Chapter Two

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When we got to Nandos, we went and looked around for a table. Sitting at a table that we found closest to a window, Megan pulled out her phone and started to taking Snapchat photos. She was using the dog filter, and once Megan was done she started to look through Instagram.

"Can you believe Tash has three thousand followers on instagram?" Megan asked.

I sighed. I honestly didn't care much for instagram followers, but for Tash it was a big deal, and I was quite proud of her. over three thousand people liked her stuff on instagram. Which was cool for Tash. I looked at Megan I shook my head.

"Didn't she just started instagram about a month ago too?" I asked. Megan nodded.

"She's gorgeous, why would anyone not want to follow her?" Megan said, and I shrugged.

I got up to go get something to eat. Megan just stayed at the table, and as I went up I grabbed some food for the both of us. Chicken wings and a supergrain salad. You know, the usual healthy junk.

Sitting back down, I ate and so did megan, who so happened to check Instagram every five minutes as she ate food. She then dropped her fork and started squealing. I looked at her like she was a mad woman.

"What is it?" I asked. She swallowed her food and took a deep breath out.

"They're announcing which college Prince George Will be attending tonight on the the telly!" she squealed and I sighed.

For once I would just enjoy it if I didnt have to keep hearing about some stupid Prince.

Just Friends | A Royal Family Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora