Chapter Four

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Oh my good God. I could not believe that this had actually been happening. Prince George of Cambridge would be attending MY university. Why I could only see it now. Girls screaming over George's arrival, and the hall ways flooded with American fangirls in their search of a British Prince.

It was almost ridiculous really. I turned off the tv. I couldn't take this royal nonsense anymore. Why did they have to announce it on my telly? Why couldn't they just let him go to school in peace?

I'll tell you why, cause it's fuckin England. We all have to praise the royals and it annoys me so much. They're just like regular people. I don't know why people were so drawn to their life.

Sure they lived in a palace and they were of royal status, but like I said before. They're just like us normal people. Perhaps we should treat them as such? I sighed and went into my room.

After putting my Pyjamas on, I went into the washroom to brush my teeth.
After brushing my teeth, I headed off to my bed. Resting my head on my pillow, I wanted to forget everything that happened today. And I just wanted to get tomorrow over with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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