chap.ter 3

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Pre-Calculus has to seem like the most longest period throughout my day. No matter how much I wanted this class to end, the hand on the clock just never moved. Taking my 5th glance towards the clock I blew out a breath of fresh air. We had 13 more minutes left of this class and we were currently taking a pop quiz. A pop quiz that contained 35 questions. If you ask me this a whole motherplucking exam not no damn pop quiz.

I was on question number 26 and I was struggling like a mutha. Almost everyone had finished their test and handed it in. Student after student just kept walking past me and handing in the paper. Yet for the life I me I couldn't move past this question. It was asking something about tan and sin and how they correlate and equal each other and a whole bunch of other BS.

Glancing back at the clock I had realized that I had only 4 minutes left to finish this exam. Skipping this question i went on to try to answer the following multiple choice questions and leaving all the short response blank.

"Times up. Turn in your papers and have a nice day" Mr.Henry said as he stood from his desk.

"Dig dog dog shit you are not it" I whispered to myself as I went back and forth from the two answers I thought were possibly right. I ignored his words and continued this method for the last 3 questions.

"Ms. Jackson it's time to turn in your quiz"

Sighing I packed up my books and calculator and got up from my seat walking over to his desk. I tried to hand him the paper and just leave his classroom knowing that he was going to just inform me on his policy about incomplete work. I didn't really care to hear this speech. It was 6th period which was my lunch period and I had food calling my name.

However I couldn't get out the door any faster before he called my name making me retreat back to his desk.

"Do you know my policy on incomplete work?"


"So why would you give me an incomplete test knowing that it would be an automatic zero?"

Why else? I hate when teachers ask these type of questions. Why this and why that? They already know the answer. It's like they get a nice little kick at just aggravating our lives even more than they have already done.

"I ran out of time so I had no other choice but to turn in the paper Mr. Henry. I  can't control the time. It was 35 questions in 45  minutes. No offensive but that wasn't a pop quiz to see if we understand the topic as you said in the beginning of class that was a whole exam you sprung on us"  I said.

Without saying anything he just shook his head and put my paper in a separate pile. I guess that's how he separated the ones to be graded to the ones who aren't worth his time to be graded.

"Come back after school to finish your quiz. This is the only time that I would allow this. Next time use your time more wisely. Have a nice day." He said and waved to the door I guess to dismiss me. So that's what I did. I said my thank you and left.

In all honesty i wasn't looking forward to taking this test after school. It was a Friday and I wanted to go home and catch up on the episodes of How To Get Away With Murder and Criminal Minds on Netflix. I haven't really been watching tv at all because I would get annoyed having to wait a whole week before another episode, so I would just wait until they uploaded the season on Netflix and that's pretty much how i spent my weekends. Most of the time when my siblings wasn't living they lives they would watch it with me. But now I have to go and finish this thing after school because i would never hear the end of this from Mr.Henry and chances are he'll find a way to fail me.

Making my way to the cafeteria I took a seat at my normal table in the back. I pulled out the snacks that I took from home and then plugged my headphones in and allowed it to go on shuffle.

Halfway through the lunch period it was normal. I stayed by myself and just listened to music while reading a book on Wattpad. It wasn't until I glanced up and I saw someone sitting across from me staring directly at me. One of the most awkward shit you could ever do is make eye contact with a complete stranger. That shit is so uncomfortable.

"Hello?" I said with my eyebrow raised.

"Hello" he smiled.

A smile so fucking beautiful.

Self-ConsciousDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora