What a Hunk!

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"Alex! Hey Alex, wait for me!" Heh. Poor girl. She thinks that I actually have feelings for her. How Pathetic. She should now better by now. She was just a one time thing. I don't need a girlfriend weighing me down. But she is pretty attractive. Too bad I don't do the same girl twice. "Get lost" I grumbled. She gave a pained look. "What?" she uttered. This time I fully turned to face her. "You heard me. I said get lost, I'm tired of looking at your face." She gave a look like she was just punched in the face. It was ugly. "But you said you loved me...I thought that we..." she trailed off. "You thought what? that I actually meant that!? Ha! Pathetic. Now, you should probably get lost before you start crying in the middle of the hall way and humiliate yourself even more." I glared at her. Who does she think she is!? coming up to me like that. And in the middle of school too! Damn, and I was already annoyed. this is not going to be a good day. I stormed off towards my locker and left the girl in tears.

In the middle of class I almost dozed off...again. It wasn't my fault that the teacher was so damn boring. I glanced over at Nick. He's my best friend. I saw him staring off into space with that goofy look on his face again. Ugh. I followed his eyes to see what he was looking at. Then I saw this crazy hot girl. she had short blonde hair with one busty body. She looked like the next blessed soul who had a chance with me. well, maybe later. right now? I have no patience for annoying girls. After school, I was supposed to meet Nick at the library to work on some essay that was due on Monday but as soon as I got there I was swarmed by a bunch of annoying girls. The real slutty type. Just the way I like em. "Well hello there ladies." I gave them my most flirtatious smile. They all swooned and giggled. Heh, too easy. "How about we all go to my place hm? I'm sure we'll be able to find some way to ...entertain ourselves." "Ahem. What about our essay? Hmm?" Ugh. Did Nick have to show up just now? Didn't he see that I was busy? "Can't we do it later? I mean C'mon it's Thursday. The projects not due til Monday." Nicholas let out an exhausted sigh. "Alex can you please just help me out with this project this once? Somehow you always end up chickening out of it til the last minute then I end up doing both of ours." Ha. Was he seriously doin this to me right now? How could Nick be so selfish? I'm the one who made him popular in the first place. Without me, he would still be just some forgettable nerd. "Yeah whatever. A dorky little nerd like you probably enjoys writing two essays instead of one, besides you're probably just jealous because you'll never get any girl to like some dopey kid like you when everyone's looking at me." The girls behind us snickered. Oh. I forgot that they were here. I looked back at Nick only to be faced with the look of pure betrayal, sorrow, anger, and utter shock all mixed together. He looked into my eyes as if searching for something. But when he didn't find it, he turned and walked out the door. Pssh yeah whatever. He'll come crawling back begging for forgiveness. Besides, who would a lowly nerd like him talk to? Man, that sucks. Now who will do my homework for me? Oh well I'll just find some new nerd to do it for me. "Alex~! Weren't we going to go to your house?" They whined obnoxiously. "Yeah, let's go."

The next day, Alex got up and did his morning rituals. Then rode the bus to school. When he got to class instead of finding Nick saving a spot for him like he usually did, Nick was sitting next to some girl. In fact it was the same blonde bomb shelled girl Nick was staring at the other day.  Ah. So, he liked this girl huh? Well then, I'll just have to make him regret ever going against me, and she just might be the key to do it. For the rest of class, anytime she would look in his direction, he made sure to wink, or give hand signals that showed his "love" for her. And every time, she would blush and look away.
At lunch he decided to make his move. He walked right up to her table and said: "Hey. I really like you. Do you wanna maybe got out?" She looked down uncomfortably. "U-um...well y-you see, I-I-I already umm..." she didn't get to finish because she was interrupted....by Nick. "What she's trying to say is that she already has a boyfriend. Right Sophie?" He looked at her lovingly. She visibly sagged with relief. "Y-yeah." she was blushing slightly at her confession. What!?since when, surely he would've told me. This must be some sort of bluff. "HAHAHA!!! That's hilarious!!!! Her!? Like a nerd like you!? Hahaha!! Yeah right!" Surely he's bribing her, saying he'd do her homework or something. But when I looked over at the to of them, he was blushing with humiliation and she was hugging his arm for comfort glaring fiercely at me. That's when i knew what he said was true. These two were utterly in love with each other. Gag, gross Love. Such a ridiculous  concept.  Nicholas started shaking with anger. "Yeah whatever. With a head as big as yours, I'm surprised you fit through the doorway..." Nick mumbled. At that I straightened then pulled him outside the lunchroom into a secluded area. "What did you just say??" I sneered. "You heard me. I said not every girl likes you as much as you think they do, you egotistical jerk! I am so sick and tired of you taking advantage of people! You think that you can just do whatever you want!? Well, sorry to break it to ya princess, but the only reason I stuck around and did what you wanted is because you were actually a decent guy once!! I thought maybe if I was nice then you would eventually go back to being your old self, but now I see that guy who I was once friends with is gone." He snapped. I was surprised. this isn't like him at all. he usually just sighs and agrees with everything I say. that was the main reason why I become friends with him. "Oh yeah? Pssh, whatever. Everyone loves me! Name one girl I can't make fall for me, I dare you." I smirked knowing he wouldn't be able to. after all, what kind of girl didn't like me? heh exactly. But I was even more surprised to see him smirking back. "Alright then. how would you like to bet on that?' Now things were getting interesting.
"What kind of bet did you have in mind? Hm?" I encouraged. "I know a girl that would never fall for a guy like you. So, I want to make a bet. If you can get her to fall for you within a month, then you win, but if she doesn't then I win. And when I win, I want you to admit that your an asshole to the whole school, then never flirt with another girl for the rest of the year." Hmm, yeah whatever I can totally make this chick whoever she is, fall for me. "Deal. And when I win, you have to get on your knees, and beg for forgiveness, then do my homework for the rest of the year." I agreed. "Fine. The girl's name is Jamie Oliver. May the best man win." And with that, he walked away.

Hey! it's me, the author. And I just wanna say that this is the very first story I've written that I think is an actual success. So...please hold back a little on the criticism will ya? But I DO want suggestions. I am kinda new at this, so a little advice never hurt anyone right? Anyway, thanks for reading and comment what you think so I that I know if I should continue with this story. Until next time~! ☻

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