Jamie Oliver

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This is on Monday by the way, because I know the last chapter was on Friday.(I kinda skipped the weekend heh heh;) Just so I don't confuse anyone. Anyway, on with the story!

Jamie's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm exhausted. I didn't get much sleep last night after all the studying for the test today. I crawled out of bed then pulled myself across the floor towards to bathroom. "Ugh, too tired to stand."my voice sounded hoarse. when I made it to the bathroom, I undressed and got in the shower. when I got out, I felt refreshed and ready to go....after I got dressed. Once I was completely ready, I went to stand in front of my body mirror. I'm not very pretty. Oh well, it's not  like I was trying to look good for anyone. I thought to myself. I didn't need a boyfriend or anything, grades are much more important. besides, I don't know any guys who would like an ugly nerd like me. I grabbed my stuff And went out the door. 

My house was pretty far from school. Ugh. If only there was someone to give me a ride. But I pushed that thought aside, because it was illogical. there was no one to give me a ride, my mom died a long time ago, and my dad was in no condition to drive anywhere. When my mom died, my dad started drinking like crazy, then he started going to clubs, gambling, and plenty of other things I don't need to get into. But that's okay. because everyday I meet up with my best friend Josh Ferguson. He and I met at the library, and we have a lot of things in common. We both love reading, his dad is dead and his mom is too busy for him, and (most importantly) we're both total nerds.  Heh heh yeah...and it turns out that he lives sorta close to me. 

"Jamie! Jamie! What took you so long?" A voice dragged me out of my thoughts, and I was welcomed to the concerned look of my best friend. "Are you ok? You looked like a zombie lumbering over here and all." "Geez,  you sure don't sugarcoat things much do you?" He straightened up then gave me a crooked smile. "Well, you know me." "Heh yeah I do. Anyway, let's get to school already."  I started walking without him, but he caught up easily. We talked about school projects due soon, and how annoying our parents are until we got to school. "Well, this is where we part, old friend. but know this! I, Josh Ferguson will always be with you, Jamie Oliver. Right in here." he said with a (actually pretty decent) British accent. He then pointed to where my heart was. I swatted his hand away and started laughing. "Yeah yeah, and I, Jamie Oliver, will always keep you in my thoughts good sir." I chuckled, going along with his little 'role playing.' "That warms my heart to hear, Milady." We both laughed then went off to our classes. 

I was the first on there. It wasn't new, I  was always the first one there. I walked over to my desk, it was the one by the window. I loved the window seat, it has such a pretty view, and the teacher didn't pay much mind to me. but he never needed to anyway. After all, I was the best student in class. I did  notice the most popular guy in school staring at me. What a creeper. He probably has Gonoherpesyphilaids. I shivered then went back to staring out the window.

Time skip~!

After school, me and Josh met at the library to study for a school science project. then we walked home. Ah sigh. My life is perfect. Well....maybe not perfect, but I wouldn't change a single thing.

Little did she know, her life was about to change....a whole lot.

Hello~! For it is I, Author-chan~! ANYWAYS...I think I need to explain  some things....right? FIRST OF ALL...GONOHERPESYPILAIDS!!!! It is pronounced (Gone-Oh-Her-Pa-Siff-Ole-Aids). (And I made it up!!...I'm pretty sure) 

It is:




& Aids!!! All put together~!!!

And.....well those are all the stds(sexually transmitted diseases) I can think of at the moment, sooo....Please Comment some advice for me please! Your Author-chan is lost and is in need of ideas!! Well, anyways see ya next time!!!! Bye~!!!!

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