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I back away and turn around to face Krypton. "What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

"You are the first Wind controller in a long, long time. This means something's going to happen, because Wind controllers are the rarest among all." Krypton answers.

I glance at my friends' scared faces and I know that I seem scary to them, after all, I am a person with devastating power, and I'm standing right in front of them.

"We just need to find out if you're the actual Windstar." Chromium interrupts.

"I don't get it with all these Stars. What's with that?" someone from the group of friends speaks up.

"A Star is the person who has truly mastered the element. There can only be one Star for each Element, Firestar, Windstar, Leafstar and Aquastar." Krypton explains. "Phyre is our first, and only, Element Star. She has been the Firestar for a very, very long time, and her magic is ancient. Don't be fooled by the fact that she looks sixteen, she's actually much older."

"The other Star positions are hard to acquire because all our Elements-in-Training have not yet fully mastered their Elements. To master the Element, you need patience, devotion and passion for what you are doing. It takes very, very hard work to train out an Element Star." Chromium continues.

"You guys are so powerful, but you're not Element Stars. Why?" Cyanide asks.

Chromium and Krypton share a glance with each other before Krypton opens his mouth. "We are the embodiment of the entire Atom Universe. Every single atom in this universe is a part of the Elements, not your normal Elements but the real, dangerous, Elements. This doesn't make sense, and I understand, but just note the fact that what you are standing on right now is literally, the element Chromium."

My mouth drops open in wonder and I look down at the floor which I thought to be marble. The shiny, silvery white metallic floor gleams with a kind of coldness, making me cringe and look away.

"The element Plutonium wants to take over the entire universe, so we called you here to stop them. You are the elite, the chosen ones that we are going to put all our hope into." Chromium adds. "You must know that however powerful we are, we cannot defeat Plutonium. He is the most deadly element in the universe."

I gulp at this. "How do we defeat him, then?"

"You will need all four normal Element Stars working together as one. The Windstar, as you probably already know, is the Star of the Element Wind. Firestar, is the Star of Fire. Leafstar is the Star of the Element Earth, and Aquastar is Water." Krypton says.

"But there's a catch. We don't have a Leafstar, Aquastar or Windstar."

"As Plutonium has already started corrupting the Underworld, we will need to prepare for the incoming battle immediately. He will move on directly to the Upperworld next, as he wants to save our world, the Middleworld, for the last. He will kill us slowly, but we can, we must, stop him." Chromium's eyes glow with that eerie silver once again.

Krypton waves an arm and we are all transported to a new room. A whirlwind of storm gusts around the room and my mouth drops open in awe as I see a wave crash down, a rope of fire curling around a strong leafy vine, but the air around here is still.

There is no wind.

I see that my friends are all shielding their faces and their hair blowing, but I don't understand, there is no wind at all.

"There's no wind," I call over the deafening noise of the fighting in the background.

"What do you mean, no wind?" Cyanide shouts.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chromium's eyes widen and I realize that I am not affected by this wind that the others are feeling.

Suddenly, out of the blue, the words call to me and I understand.

"Pure Wind." I whisper.

I can only feel pure Wind.

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