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I feel as if all I have done is just make me more confused.

The questions are running about in my mind, what is Pure Wind and why can't the others feel it?

Krypton sends a sharp blast of his light blue energy into the middle of the storm, and after a few seconds it dies down. A bright blue light shines from the center of the room, and some people, who were concealed by the dust storm, are now revealed.

At least eight of them, dressed in different colors fall into a single line at attention in front of the blue light that I assumed came from Krypton himself. I notice that some of them are dressed in bright orange, some in green and others in aqua.

"I guess these are the Elements-in-Training?" Amanda speaks up, for the first time since we've entered this castle.

Chromium nods and we step down to the training area. 

The first trainee, who is one of the ones dressed in green, steps forward and introduces herself. "I'm Terraria and an Element-in-Training for the position of Leafstar." 

"My name is Fluma, and I'm training to be the next Firestar." A girl in bright orange smiles eagerly. "I'll be Phyre's assistant! We all look up to her.." she continues wistfully.

"Oh, do you..." Cyanide mutters under her breath, and I grin at her.

"I'm dressed in aqua because I want to be Aquastar! It's a big honor, being a Elemental Star, and Phyre's done a lot to be the Firestar. She's been here for hundreds of years!" A girl interjects excitedly. "My name is Marina."

"There's not a lot of Fire Elementals, because we already have a Firestar, Phyre. Although it would be epic to be the next one," a slightly older girl, also dressed like Fluma, speaks up. "By the way, my name's Incendia." 

I do notice that there are only two Fire Elementals.

"There are more of us because we haven't found our Aquastar yet. My name's Rio." A younger boy, who I guess is about twelve, tells us.

"My name is Skylark and I'm one of the two who don't have a name related to their element. But I don't really mind it. The name doesn't affect our power, does it?" Another boy dressed in earth green says. 

"I'm Skylark's younger sister, Eden. I can't wait to be the next Leafstar and that would mean so much to me, we've been here the second longest as well," A girl with emerald green eyes indicates herself and Skylark.

"I'm Lilly..." A small girl who looks no older than eleven says softly and I feel a lurch in my heart as she looks up and gazes straight at me with her crimson red eyes.

"She doesn't like to speak much," Krypton says hurriedly, noticing my discomfort and hurrying over to block my view of Lilly's vicious gaze. I struggle free and stick my head past Krypton, trying to figure out whether the small innocent Lilly really had such eyes.

I heave a sigh of relief as I notice that Lilly's eyes are now back to their usual light blue, with a strange look at me that seems to indicate, And I'm your worst nightmare.

Then I say in a louder voice, "We're going to join you," I glare pointedly at Chromium who nods severely. "And I, am going to be your first Wind controller in a hundred years."

"Crap," I mutter as there is instant silence.

Everyone is staring me with renewed respect and awe, some with jealousy. But I only have eyes for one; Lilly, who is returning my gaze with a soft, innocent look that I might've expected on her the first time I saw the young girl.

Then she smiles, and I swear that the light glints off a pair of fangs.

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