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The blackness presses in on me until something inside me snaps and I feel a little bit of something enter my soul. I open my eyes, to find myself in a starry landscape, much like the galaxy that I saw on the way to the castle.

A few people step forwards, and I gasp, because they seem familiar, but yet I do not remember them.

One steps forward, her body shrouded in stars and I feel the fear catch in my throat as I stare up into her face.

"I am the element Neon. With this blessing I give you the strength to withstand the worst pressure, the worst pain."

I gasp as she touches her palm to my forehead and I feel something immensely powerful enter my body, burning every single nerve and entering every blood vessel in my body. The pain is insane, an inferno raging inside me, and I want to die.

After a short while of me having a seizure on the ground, the pain fades and I somehow get the strength to stand back up again.

Neon vanishes back into the shadows and another person steps forth.

"I am the element Titanium. I give you the courage to laugh in the face of death, to take pleasure in every single dangerous act you perform."

Titanium, like Neon, touches my forehead and a warm feeling enters my body. The pain is not so bad, but it is still horrible. I scream and clutch my head as I threaten to fall into unconsciousness.

Shaking, I am scared of what is about to come, I know it will not be any less painful.

"My name is Vandium, and I am Titanium's brother. With my touch I ensure your resilience in battle, your perseverance to stay ever strong to fight for the right cause."

I close my eyes, bracing myself of the pain about to come, and as it hits I realize no one has ever warned me about the pain that is felt through resilience.

The wave of hurt washes over me and I am screaming, screaming more than I've ever screamed in my life, and I feel as if another part of me has opened up to the real world. The pain is flooding my very being, a pure white flame burning my insides, as I struggle to keep awake, to keep sane.

I am shivering with terror as the next person steps forth.

"I am Arsenic, the element of poison. With my blessing, I give you the intelligence to craft plans to defeat even the smartest of enemies."

Arsenic comes up to me and instead of touching a hand to my forehead, instead breathes black mist over my face. I feel it sinking into my skin, and I think, well, this isn't too bad.

Until I feel the mist enter my brain and the pain hits.

It is not as bad as the pain of endurance, and I thank the gods for that. I am not sure if I can stand much more, as I curl up on the ground, I think, why can't they just kill me?

I lie whimpering on the ground as Arsenic vanishes into the background, his head bowed.

"Rise, young one. I am Zirconium." I stand shakily, staring into Zirconium's eyes. "With my blessing I give you the honesty to admit your mistakes, honesty that will reveal the truth."

I panic as he touches his hand to my head and I let out a shaky breath.

The feeling of pure honesty enters me and a numbing chill spreads across my whole system. There is no pain, which is heavenly, but the chill is creeping into the darkest corners of my brain, uncovering my deepest, darkest secrets.

I shudder as the next person comes towards me.

"My name is Niobium, and I am here to give you the blessing of grief. I give you the grief to be sad over the loss, but also to withdraw to focus on the more important things in life. Do not be distracted by sadness, as it will eat you from the inside out."

A feeling of pure sadness enters my soul and I cry out as I feel all the pain, the loss, the grief I would have felt if something were to happen to one of my friends.

The sadness devours me, eating away at my heart and I curl up into a ball, whimpering, my face streaked with tears.

I swallow loudly and stand, facing Niobium, and for once in my life I feel a wave of respect for the ones who feel loss. I thank Niobium, who vanishes into the shadows.

"I am Seaborgium. I give you my blessing, which will allow you to have kindness, to be nice to even the lowliest criminal, to spare them with mercy."

Seaborgium grasps my hand in his eerily cold ones, and it feels as if I have plunged my hands into a bucket of icy water.

The feeling of kindness flows into my body, along with it pure warmth that I have not felt before. I embrace the element's blessing, welcoming it with open arms. I open my eyes, realizing I have closed them, and feel nicer than before.

Then, someone familiar steps from the shadows and my breath catches in my throat.

For Krypton, glowing faint blue as ever, comes out and smiles warmly.

"Hello, Windstar." he grins.

I smile and wave at him.

"I am also part of the key Elements, so I am here to bless you as well. With my touch brings wisdom, not intelligence but wisdom, ensuring the perfect decision."

I steel my nerves as I feel the cool touch of the Element's hand on my head.

With a horrible jerk, my mind is flooded with more images of life, wisdom just enveloping my entire brain.

The feeling is satisfying, and calming, and I am soon at ease again.

Krypton winks once more and shrinks back into the blackness.

The final Element steps forward and I bow, smiling.

Chromium comes out towards me, cold but beautiful, and grabs my hands.

Her touch, compared to the others, is warm. Warm with something I've never felt, or seen, before in Chromium.

"Kitty, you've come so far." For the first time, Chromium smiles and I am caught up in the frenzy of the moment.

"I give you the blessing of love. The love identical to a mother's, the love you will feel for all your friends, to protect them till the end of time."

Chromium closes her eyes and a sharp, hot feeling jabs into my hands and I let out a small scream. But the feeling fades after a while, and a strange, weird feeling flows into my very being.

First cold, piercing cold like loss, then fiery hot, like the courage and strength of a true mother. It feels nice, actually, and I am about to start enjoying it when it happens.

The feeling grows unbearably hot, and stays warm. I fall to the ground, screaming, as the love wracks my insides and leaves me crying, broken. Who knew mothers could feel such love? It was even worse then endurance from Vandium, and I bury my face in my hands.

Then Chromium pulls me up, slowly and gently, and I stare into her eyes.

"You, Kitty, are our first and only Windstar. You must cherish the blessings we have given you, the advice we have said."

She says, but it comes out unified. Like more people are saying it at the same time.

As I watch, all the key Elements walk out, all together for the first time, and I feel the power that they radiate.

They speak as one, their voices intermingling in the cold starry sky, and a pure feeling of happiness floods my soul.

"We will return you home now."

The world fades around me, and I close my eyes, smiling, as I feel my life is complete.

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