chapter 11 Finding something weird

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The next day at school was annoying. People would constantly come up to me and either 1 be somewhat nice by asking what happened to my eye (although they could have just wanted details) or 2 they would point and laugh and make up random rumors like the one i heard in maths about how i got it from "having handstand sex and hitting my eye on a radiator" like, who would do something weird and so stupid.

Alex, Matt and the others didn't come to school today which was a relief because i wouldn't have been surprised if the questioned me again judging by the way they reacted.
//Although they could have wanted to know so they could laugh at me//

2nd and 3rd period was just childhood and cooking which isn't too bad, but constantly listening to other peoples life stories doesn't make me feel better about mine and having a teacher watching me like a hawk in cooking for any mistakes is even worse.

Last year when i first came to this school and cooking class, I accidentally gave my teacher raw chicken ending with many people afraid of testing my food and having people chuck chicken jokes at me like
"Why did the chicken go to KFC" "to see a chicken strip" but seriously there not even funny anymore. It was only one time and it was because i was tired from the abuse the night before.

Realizing i was daydreaming, i stop tossing the plain salad i had emotionlessly made. //oh... Didn't i tell you i was getting all hawk eye because i might accidentally "mess up a salad"// ... wait how would you mess up a salad. All you do is wash the vegetables and put them in a bowl together.

Ill never understand

4th period was a spare as i use that time for studying for tests in the up coming weeks.


Alexes P.O.V

Yesterday was weird. First Matt and I were paired with the same nerd girl i had knocked out the day before and secondly the nerd girl doesn't seem as nerdy as everybody makes her out to be. Not that i believe in rumors.

The way she acted was like she was hiding something such as how she like refused answering simple questions, her clothing style, the way she talked as if there was something keeping her back like a barrier, when we were at Starbucks and she ran out like she was a criminal on the run. It just doesn't make sense but i will find out.

Not for me.... but for my English assessment.... yes....that's what its for.

"Alex.....Alex.....ALEX" Matt snaps at me before he quickly stuffs his face with ice-cream covered pancakes. "What" i say before i start on mine.

"Soooo, what do you think about nerdy?" Matt smirks at me. "I think she is definitely hiding something" i reply back. "Mmm, you interested?" Matt's obviously having something on his mind. "No,but it would be good for English... might get extra marks for finding out the nerds secret" i laugh

"So this is about Eng-" i cut Matt off before he starts making things up and say that i just want good grades so i can still be on the team.

"You sure? Because the way you acted yesterday was more than 'just an english assessment'" matt airquots

I sigh shaking my head before putting my plate into the sink. "I dunno man" i say shrugging

Matt smikes before getting up, "why dont we go to Jacks place shouldn't he be able to find something about her with his 'hacking into documents' skills he always speak of" Matt sings grabbing his car keys.

Matt drove us to Kyles house in his Mattmobile which he calls his car. "I guess were not going to school today i say walking up to Kyles house and knocking on the door. "I guess not" matt shrugs before the door opens.

"Hey" kyle says giving us a bro-hug and letting us in. "We need your 'hacking skills" i say getting straight to the point

Kyle lits his eyebrow up as a way to say why so i answer with "because nerdy's hiding something"

Kyle laughs before asking what the real problem is which was then my turn to lift my up eyebrow. After minutes of a stare down kyle gives in and gets his computer.

"Whats her name?" Kyle demands bored

"Amarly Rae, I think" i reply

Kyle plugs a USB into his computer before clicking a few documents and typing in a few codes and such before typing in her name.

Up popped a picture of Amarly from maybe 2 years ago and a few bits of information, it read

Name: Amarly Lee Satan Rae
Born: (somewhere in America)
Mother: deceased
Father: deceased

Adopted parents
Mother: Sandra Rae- Alive
Father: Max Rae- Alive
Medical Conditions: Anxiety, insomnia, Depression,
Birthday: 25th August 2001
Sign: Virgo
House: 6 sokelvis drive

Under neither the information above was some of the places Amarly had lived in or traveled to (which was a lot) and then family information. Turns out Amarly was adopted and her birth parents died from a house fire but thats not it, further down the page something caught all of our eyes.

Adoptive parents: Father: Max Rae
Born: (somewhere in America)
Zack Rae
Mia Rae
Medical Conditions: Alcoholic
Birthday: 27th February 1987
House: 6 Sokelvils Drive

If ###### is seen please contact 000 imidentily.

Crimes comitted:
Murder of Jacob Smith
Severely injured : 5 PEOPLE

Mia Rae
Born: England
Mother: Sandra cox
Father: Peter Cox
Medical conditions: Depression
Birthday: 6th December 1989
House: 6 Sokelvis drive

All of our mouths hung open at the sight of what we read. "Amarlys dad is a murderer?" Matt coughs "apparently" kyle replies. Both look at me waiting for an answer. "Amarly is living with a murderer...... A murderer...... A murderer...." im cut off by matt and kyle laughing

"What?" I scowl. "You were repeating 'a murderer' like a broken radio" matt laughs.

After hours of watching football, well matt and kyle were but i couldn't get amarly out of my head.

Matt and I left dropping me at my house and leaving. Did she know what her family was really like or was she living a lie?. Is this what her secret is or is it something even worse?, whatever it is im going to find out even if it means forcing her barriers down.

A bad feeling turns in my stomach as i think about the information we found out today //well im not using that in our English assessment// i laugh to myself before seriousness takes over me.

I have a feeling im not going to like what Amarly is hiding.


sorry i never update😂😂 i forget and stuff but im going to try write more... a lot more.

If you have any suggestions message me☺ thanks

Btw i haven't edited so if it makes no sense.....sorry and please tell me

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