Part Three ~ So It's Will Power?

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Olivia was in shock. She looked around. Everything looked normal.. Then she looked out the window. There was a bird flying in front of the the house. No. Not flying. It was frozen in mid air. Then Olivia started noticing other strange things. A paper boy on his bike was completely still while a newspaper hovered just in front of his hand. Apparently it had been windy, so some leaves were floating around. Olivia got up and walked to her window. Time smiled at her as she opened the window. She felt good about showing Olivia the truth. Even if Olivia didn't understand it just yet. Olivia could still move her hand through the air outside. She reached out and plucked a leaf from the air. She crumbled it up, and dropped it. It didn't fall. It just.. Hung there. She thought about the little leaf bits falling. They started to drift down towards the ground. "Time, tell me what's going on, this instant!" Olivia turned and marched back to her chair. Time laughed. "I'm a time traveler! You figured it out.. But it was still a little sappy sounding for my taste." She smiled. Olivia didn't know what to think. "I knew you were a time traveler! But how is THAT happening?!" Olivia pointed over to at the window. "Oh yeah.. That. I can freeze time. I have control over pretty much all the timey-wimey things." She said very confidently. Olivia was still confused. "How am I still moving then?" Olivia questioned. It was a good question, but it had a simple answer. "Like I said. All the timey-wimey things. I just decided not to freeze you. And the leaves falling? I let you do that. If you really want something to move, you just believe you can make it. Will power." Said Time. Olivia smiled "Oh.. So you're letting me use my will power to move things?" She said "Fantastic.." The two talked for a few more minutes, until Olivia remembered that she needed to do the skype call. Her friends were waiting for her down stairs. She had completely forgotten about Vergil, Ellie, and Justice. "It's fine! We have, litteraly, all the time in the world." Time reasured her. "I suppose you're right.." Said Olivia "Well, if time is going to be frozen, I want to have some fun." She said excitedly "Can I will anything to move?" Olivia had an idea of what she wanted to do. Time smiled, then gestured in the general area of Olivias window. "Why don't you find out?"

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