Chapter 12: Trapped

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So, Chapter 12.*Shrugs*

I feel like this Chapter's too short, you know?

I don't know. My senses are foggy.

Tell me what you think, Please?


I want to tell you that determination filled our minds. That, as we were trudging on to get to Vudel, that Adventure music was playing in the background, that silence between us was the sign of our willingness to retrieve the Helith.

But sadly, I can’t tell you that.

The only thing that filled our minds, well at least mine, was I wanna’ go home, and instead of adventure music repeating in the back ground, Royage’s whining was repeated over and over again.

“My feet hurt,” and “Can’t we take a break,” sometimes, “Let’s just let Vudel have the Helith and go home.”

We threw him dirty looks for the last part and Afetil gave him a lecture on why we need to recover the Helith and Defeat Vudel, which shut the third excuse but kept the first two on replay.

Afetil said she located the soul’s final destination somewhere to the Northern part of Nertry, in a Valley called Battle’s Peak. It was named that way because it was the place where Alik and Lantra had there last battle with Vudel, reaching their powers’ peak in battle. I didn’t know why on earth a bad guy would go back to the place where he was last defeated, especially when he was defeated by teenagers.

Now, we were surrounded by meadows of greenery, or bluery. Blue grass surrounded us, and when the breeze blew over the meadows it made it look like waves rippling through water. There were red flowers and some even had red tones like buoys in the ocean.

A couple of animals padded along the meadow although they looked more like swimming. They looked like a cattle-dog mix with a cow’s body and size but a dog’s nose, ears and feet. Occasionally, some would look our way and their eyes would glow gold under the sun like a wolf’s eyes glow silver under the moon’s light.

We followed a path leading to another meadow but of normal green color. The same breed of animal dotted the field, eating some of the grass and chewing them lazily. Every now and then, one would get close enough so we could smell the fragrance it produced, like lavender and lemon mixed together.

“They’re Gyttles,” Tamora said while I was staring at one, chewing on a blade of grass.

“They’re beautiful,” I said, marveling at the sight of the weird animal. I was starting to get used to the weirdness of this place, but the unexpected beauty I could find in everyday things here still surprises me.

“They should be,” Tamora said, “They were created by Hutomae, the first Guari. Their mere presence can heal you over a period of time, but any part of their body can heal you almost instantaneously.”

“It’s forbidden to kill one on purpose though,” Donnest cut in, “When one does, Hutomae can punish them.”

“How exactly does he punish them?” I asked

“She,” Tamora Corrected, “punishes them by giving them the opposite of what the Gyttles are supposed to do. Instead of healing their sickness, they get worse.”

I looked at a Gyttle as we passed by it. It seemed so peaceful, and I swear I could feel my scratches tingling, like they were oh so slowly healing in their presence.

Not long after that, we entered a forest that looked pretty normal except for the occasional weird animal sounds, somewhere between an eight-year old girl squealing and a cat trying to get rid of a hairball.

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