Chapter 16: Planning

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Hey guys. Here it is, Chapter 16. Sorry for the misspellings and mistakes, I didn't proof read yet again.

Note: Please be informed that I may be changing my username, so you might not get to read my stories for a day. But don't worry, I'll be notifying you guys if I ever do.

Enjoy! and Please tell me what you think.

(If you get confused, just read on)


“You go first,”

“No, you,”

“Royage should go first,”

“I am not going into that

“Why should we even pass through here?”

“Because we have no choice”

Bickering surrounded me. We were facing a swamp that was still dark despite the sun’s rays in between the crevice of a mountain. Thorns coiled around almost-dead  trees, moldy water dampened the ground and a musty smell was in the air. We were all arguing who should go in first.

I did’nt know why I said it , but the argument was getting to me.“Why can’t we just walk around this stupid mountain?” I asked.

They all gasped, falling silent. ”This is Mount Nuetar,” Afetil said, looking at me like I just disgraced her grandfather by wiping my but with his picture, ”This is the place where Ratunaea first lived, before Nertry was fully created.”

“To suggest that this place is ‘stupid’ is…is…” Tamora thought for a while, unable to think of the right word due to my insensibility.

“Sacrilege!” Royage supplied, scowling at me.

“Ok, I’m sorry. I didn’t know okay,” I said, feeling guilty which I really tried to show.

“No, it’s okay.” Tamora said, giving an encouraging smile.

“Thanks,” I mouthed.

“Anyway,” Donnest said, as if what I said didn’t happen,”we can’t walk around Mount Nuetar, it is too big and it would cost us one more day so our only option is through Ratunaea’s Garden.”

“She must had a wicked taste in landscape, then,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Why don’t you go first, Donnest?” Royage said, smirking, “After all, you can control plants. If something tries to grab you, you can easily tell it to loosen its grip.”

“What if that ‘thing’ that grabs me isn’t a plant?” Donnest asked, scowling at Royage.

“Better you than us.” Royage replied nonchalantly.

Donnest actually considered it, ignoring what Royage said last. He lifted his hand to his chin, looking at the ground, then the swamp, then back again. After a minute, he decided.

“Okay, fine. I’ll go first, but you guys better cover for me.” He said in a stern voice, yet worry on his face.

“Hey, dude,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder, ”No worries, I’ll make sure nothing happens.”

He nodded, confused with my choice of words. He turned to the swamp, breathed deeply, and walked in. We watched as he struggled with a bramble of thorns, trying his best to pull them apart without getting scratched.

Once that was done, he threw them aside and carefully observed the inside of the swamp. From the outside, it looked pretty scary and nasty, with all the muck and dark trees and all. But when Donnest was contented, he turned back to us with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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