1.) You.

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Today, it was a Wednesday, you were heading to class, like your average day. Of course, you had your books, and everything you needed. The weather, it was a bit overcast, a slight drizzle, it was not sunny at all. The clouds were gray and it was cold. You liked this weather though, the thunder, (if there was any) calmed you down from any stress you were experiencing that day. You had one friend, and one friend only, her/his name was (F/N). You basically told everything to her/him. They were your best friend and you both understood each other. You and (F/N) were best friends since the 5th grade, but you both lived in different states, unfortunately. You moved when you were in the 6th grade and have lived in (state) since then. As you walked into class, you felt a few eyes on you, nothing really unusual, just felt weird whenever it did happen. Anyways, you sat down to where your teacher had told you to, for you transfered classes for no reason, just because the school gave you a new schedule, even though you didn't think you needed it. You looked over your schedule one more time to see your next class. A boy, who seemed to be popular, with sunglasses on his face, and bleach blonde hair. Not saying his hair is ugly, but it actually worked for him. He seemed to be tall and wore quite a lot of red in his clothing. Interesting. He may be interesting but you weren't interested in him, fortunately, you knew how most "friends" were, and so you decided not to have many, for you knew they would cause too much trouble and they would just betray you eventually. Unfortunately, this is how you saw the world, it may be a bit depressing, but that's the truth for you. A dull, sad, depressing, world.
The boy in the red sat next to you. Willingly. The teacher did not tell him whether he could or could not, you felt bothered by this but just decided to leave it alone. He wasn't going to talk to you anyways. Nobody did. You felt a wave of eyes on you, feeling envy, towards you. Was this dude really that popular that girls wanted to date him? You hoped that he didn't have any intentions to talk to you at all. You could never tell where his eyes were looking, for they were always covered up by his sunglasses. Instead of saying anything, you just decided to make little doodles onto your paper, not knowing what to do, for the bell had rang but the teacher did nothing. You saw him turn a bit to face you, not completely, but just a little bit. You continued to doodle, not trying to pay attention to him. "What are you drawing?" He asked bluntly. He didn't ask it as a happy, cheery person, he asked it more as if he didn't care, which, he probably did not, but just wanted to talk to someone. You decided not to answer. "Hey, I'm talking to you." He said more aggressively. You continued to draw while saying nothing. "You're not going to talk to me?" He asked more calmly than the comment before.
You looked up at him, being bored out of your mind and tired of him trying to talk to you. "Yup." You said bluntly, then looked back down and continued to doodle. "Really? Why is that?" He asked, very calmly. You didn't even look up, you didn't even give a glance, all you said, was, "because I don't like you."

   End of Chapter 1

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