Chapter 16: Pancakes

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Hey girls... ❤ (and maybe guys, but that would be pretty weird. No offence. I mean, like there aren't many guy Waetforders out there but... Yeah, you get my point. So, sorry and no offence if you are a boy.)

I know I've asked this... But how's my story? You don't have to reply :)

I'm having a writer's block. What should happen next? I'm fresh out of ideas. I mean it.

I'd like a dramatic twist. I love drama. It makes life interesting.

Are all my readers good? I hope so:)

I'd also like to apologise... For having fun... And lets get... Lets get... Lets get ridic.. And I'm really trying to say... Lets get responsible...

I actually wasn't going to say that, it just reminded me of the music video... I was actually going to say...

I'd also like to apologise for using abbreviations in some previous chapters and like yeah...

Has anyone heard 'Your Eyes' on the radio yet? I haven't. I'm pissed coz my friend says she has. She says it's bad. *middle finger up 'Fuck you.' I said in my head. LOL.

Have you guys seen Borrow my Heart and Alive music videos on YouTube? They're pretty good.

Im pissed. AGAIN! That Your Eyes music video isn't out yet.... Argh... Wait... It isn't out yet... Right? Oh well... I wrote this on the 08•12•13 so maybe it's already out when you read this.


Pandas and Jai Waetford are the cutest things that have ever come into my life. Maybe Jai Waetford THENNN pandas. You agree?

Enjoy, comment and vote!

Love, yours truly Shelly xx

Molly's POV

I get the fright of my life when I wake up this morning. I find myself huddled up against Jai and his arms around me.

I can tell he's still asleep as I can feel his hot and steady breath on my neck. I carefully crawl from under his grip, leaving his arms floppy on the space beside him. It's pretty funny.

I yawn while stretching. It's my usual morning routine. Yawn, stretch, yawn, yawn, stretch, pee, yawn, stretch, sleep again.

Looking around, I see everyone else is still asleep. Far out. Jeanette and Trent, and Nat and Luke are in the same position Jai and I were. Gross and sweet.

Sam's arms are sprawled out and Taylor's head is resting on his chest.

I get the fright of my life (again!) when I see Cameron sprawled out on the mattress, positioned like a dead man. I'm serious! Even his tongue is poking out...

I walk out of the room and head towards the bathroom. I wash my face and use the toilet.

I head back to Sam's room, and check my phone.

Shit. It's only 7am! On a bloody Saturday! Far out.

I hop back into bed and push Jai's arms against his body, to make room for myself. I tuck the blanket up to my chin.

A sudden gust of wind flows throughout the room, causing everyone to stir. Out of instinct, I lay my body against Jai's and feel the immediate warmness.

I can't get to sleep, so I decide to pull out my phone and play some crappy maths game, that my maths teacher told me to play since I'm skipping some school.

I tell you, I'm not the best at maths, in fact I'm shit. 24 x 6...

"144." Someone whispers in my ear. Being the cautious person I am, I slap the person next to me in the face, which happens to be Jai.

The Unexpected Boyfriend // Jai WaetfordWhere stories live. Discover now