Chapter 3: "You Can't Leave the Island. You're My Guests"

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(The crew was running through the jungle and they were looking for a place to have shelter.)

Nathan: "Keep running. We have to find a place to keep Lara warm."

Sam: "I think I see one. Over there!" (He points to a hut with a strong straw roof.)

Nathan: "Good eyes, bro. Let's hurry and get there." (They ran towards the hut and busted through. Nathan closes the door shut.)

Nathan: "Start a fire! Quick!" (Sam has a match and there was already some wood in the fire place. He lit the match and threw it on the wood and he blew it. The fire slowly rose and Sam offered her a seat on the carpet.)

Sam: "Lara, you sit there and I'll be next to you."

Lara: "Thanks, Sam." (She sits down next to the fire and Sam sat next to her. He wrapped his jacket around her.)

Sam: "There. Warm enough?"

Lara: "Yes."

Sam: "Good. Stay there." (He gets up, goes in his backpack and takes out a book.)

Lara: "Nate, your brother is so nice."

Nathan: "Yeah, I know. He got it from his mother. She was sweet and kind to us. It's in his blood." (Sam came back with a book and sat down with her.)

Lara: "What's this?"

Sam: "My mother used to read me this story about pirates and chivalry. Sword fighting and laughter. I want you to have it."

Lara: "Really?"

Sam: "Of course. It's yours."

Lara: "Wow. Thanks, Sam."

Sam: "Ah, you don't have to thank me." (He looks at his watch, but it's busted.)

Lara: "Your watch, it's busted."

Sam: "Must've been from the crash."

Lara: "I have something for you." (She reaches in her pocket and got her father's watch. She shows it to Sam.)

Sam: "Whoa."

Lara: "This is my father's watch and it was after the day he died. He gave to me when I was about 10 years old. He says: "My little Lara..." (His voice takes over Lara's.)

**Richard: "This is my watch that I will precisely give to you. It's waterproof and it's indestructible."

**Lara: "Whoa. So, nothing can destroy it."

**Richard: "That's right, my dear. It also has a compass, so it will tell where you are exactly and I'll come find you."

**Lara: "Really?"

**Richard: "Yes. Whenever you're gone and I can't find you, I use my compass and it will take straight to you. Always remember, with this compass on your wrist and you're trying to find someone you know, it will take you to their location quick as lightning. Always remember that, my child. Always remember." (He kissed her forehead and he hugs her.)

Lara: "And that's what he said to me."

Sam: "That's amazing."

Lara: "Here is my gift to you, Sam. It will never burn out and it can never be destroyed. Use it to find me or the others in case we get separate individually."

Sam: "Thanks, Lara." (He hugs her.)

Lara: "No problem."

Sully: "Okay, guys. Let's get some sleep. I know you guys must be tired."

Nathan: "Yes, we are. Come on, Lara."

Lara: "Alright. Good night, Sam."

Sam: "Night."

Sully: "Tomorrow, we're getting off this island." (The night has come and everyone was asleep including Nathan holding Lara as they're asleep. Suddenly, there was a group of Rakyat soldiers creeping inside the hut and then a few of them went to the crew's bed and knocked them all out with the butt of their guns. Everything was black, until they heard chants and the sound of drums.)

Rakyat Soldiers: "Vaas! Vaas! Vaas! Vaas!" (They kept chanting and Nathan slowly woke up and his vision was blurry. He felt like he was flying. But when his vision was clear, he was being carried and his hands were binded. He looked around for the others.)

Nathan: "Sully? Sam?" (He got hit in the back of the head and he groaned.)

Rakyat soldier 1: "Hey, shut up." (The crew was being carried to Vaas, the crazy, melodramatic psychopath of the island. There was a big circle of soldiers where there was a tower right in front of the waterfall miles away from it. The tower was covered in torches and Vaas has appeared on the tower like it was a stage. The soldiers kept chanting and Vaas held his hand out like a fist. They became quiet. Vaas looked around to find the crew and there was no sight of them, but he heard them.)

Sully: "Get your dirty hands off me!"

Sam: "Leave us be!"

Nathan: "Let us go, you piece of s***! I'll kill you all!"

Vaas: "Bring to me, amigos. I want to see their faces." (The soldiers brought them in front of the tower and puts them down with their hands tied up. Vaas smiled a silly, crazy grin.)

Vaas: "My friends. WELCOME TO ROOK ISLAND!" (His voice echoes like it was a microphone next to his lips. The soldiers cheered.)

Nathan: "What is the meaning of this?"

Vaas: "This is my island and I've been waiting for you to land here. Yet, here you are, amigos!" (He looks at Nathan's face closely.)

Vaas: "Say, I remember you. You were trying to escape my island with Jason Brody. Am I right?"

Sully: "Yes, and we plan to do it again."

Vaas: "Oh, grandpappy! You came back, too?"

Sully: "Don't call me grandpappy."

Vaas: "My island. I call you whatever I want."

Sam: "We will never bow down to your wisdom. Believe that."

Vaas: "Well, look at you trying to be all tough." (The soldiers laughed.)

Vaas: "Now, you see. I'm the king of this island. Whatever you say will not offend me or threaten me. So, if I were you, hermano, I would shut the f*** up." (He patted his head and Sam was disgusted. Then he looks at Lara and was stunned.)

Vaas: "Well, hello beautiful. And what is a delight chica like yourself doing here on my island? Preparing for a love career?"

Lara: "You better back off, you piece of s***!"

Vaas: "Ooh, a fiesty one. I like that in a woman." (He was about to caress her cheek and Nathan was about to stand up.)

Nathan: "Hey! You touch her and you deal with me, pal."

Vaas: "My island." (He touches her cheek.)

Vaas: "Wow, you're so soft." (Lara spits in his face. Vaas wipes it off.)

Lara: "Don't touch me ever again."

Vaas: "Aw, come on. I know you love it."

Sully: "Back away from her, Vaas." (Vaas shrugs.)

Vaas: "If she does not love it, that's fine by me." (He walks away from Lara.)

Vaas: "Now, what do you guys want the most?"

Nathan: "We want to leave this island, Vaas!" (The crew agrees.)

Vaas: "You want to leave?"

Sam: "Yes!" (There was a moment of silence and then the soldiers and Vaas laughed.)

Vaas: "You amigos don't understand. You can't leave the island. You're my guests." (The crew was shocked and the soldiers smiled at them.)

(End of Chapter 3: You Can't Leave the Island. You're My Guests.)

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