Chapter 1 - Surprise call

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*Reading this book back, It does move very fast and Genevieve does come across as a player :') however, I'm not going to edit it or anything like that. Book 2 however will be at a better pace :)

there will be a "consequence" in the end for her "playfulness" so don't fear haha**

Chapter 1

Genevieve's POV

"Do you have everything?" Sandra has asked me that question at least 30 times today.

"Yep, my bags in my locker," I reply, rushing down the narrow college halls to locate my rusty locker.

We have a huge college assignment to complete by next week and we only got given it today. Today is Thursday and I am planning on staying at Sandra's house until Monday.

"I will meet you by your car," Sandra yells back at me while I walk over to my locker.

The weather today is really nice. It is rare that we have nice cool days in Florida. It is always so hot and humid.

As I make my way over to my locker a bunch of girls are talking about this new boy band, One Direction. They think they are so cool but little do they know that my best friend is ... well was ... or maybe still are best friends with one of the band members. Although, to be honest I am quite a fan myself, I think that Louis is quite cute and so is Harry, but no way am I allowed to say that about him or Sandra will freak out due to her on-again, off-again crush on him.


"Are you sure you have enough clothes for four days?"

"I'm positive," at least I think. The last time I slept over was last month and one of Sandra's cousins soaked all of my clothes in tomato sauce and I had only brought two pairs for three days. I definitely do not want that to happen again.

"I'm just going to get changed. You can get changed in the bathroom if you want." Sandra suggests.

I decide to leave my cute clothes for tomorrow. I don't really know why but I have a good feeling about tomorrow like I'm going to fall in love or something. Nah what am I thinking, as if that is ever going to happen. I decide to wear a sleeve-less floral-printed tank top along with a light denim jacket that only reaches down to about my bellybutton. I complete this outfit by slipping on a pair of dark wash denim shorts. I decide to leave my light brown hair down and natural.

I make my way down to the dining table and get out my pencil case and my text book. We have to do a presentation on "The Deserts Climate" for Geography. I already regret taking it for a whole semester.

By the time I finish getting ready, Sandra is finished getting dressed and she is wearing a floral dress that goes down to her mid-thigh. The dress is sleeve-less and I remember going out shopping with her when she got that dress.

Just as we are about to start our project Sandra's phone begins ringing. I really cannot stand the ringtones provided by Apple. Sandra has an iPhone which she has been convincing me to get for what seems like forever and I have an android phone. I am totally fine with it because I don't play games or anything on my phone besides going on twitter to occasionally stalk Louis' account.

Sandra's POV

My phone started ringing in the middle of getting ready for our assignment. I wonder who could possibly need to call me during this time of day, unless it is my mum telling me to cook something for her because she won't have enough time to do it later. When I pick up my phone the caller ID says "My Hazza". Utter shock invades my body because it has been nearly 4 years since I've seen or talked to him, and back then I even had a crush on him. Without any hesitation I pick up the phone.

"Harry? Why are you calling me?"

"How did you know it was me?"

"Well the caller ID said my hazz... anyway why did you call?" I quickly recover from nearly spilling my secret pet name for Harry. Only Genevieve knows about it, and even she thinks I'm going insane.

"I just wanted to let you know that the boys and I are going to be in town for a little bit, perhaps 2 weeks or so and your mum said we could stay at your house. But I also understand if you deny me because we haven't spoken in forever and it really isn't my right to barge in your house for two weeks. Besides, you've probably already replaced me with some other friend." I notice a hint of humour in his tone.

His voice has changed so much since I last heard him. I mean I have all of their albums but it's just different. I take a minute to think about what he said. Truth be told, I really am excited about seeing him again, but he didn't just mean him...he meant the entire band.

"No one will be able to replace you Harry! But yes, you can come over. I hope you boys don't mind but I have a friend staying with me as well for most of the week."

Genevieve's POV

"Is Louis going to come? She is quite a fan." I can just hear Sandra talking and I just know she is talking about me. I almost feel embarrassed when she mentions that I am a fan. The way she is speaking about Louis confirms my suspicion that Harry is on the other line. Why is he calling?

"Ok, bye." I hear her say, ten minutes later. Oh great, I didn't get any work done, Sandra's going to be so mad at me...

"Hey, sorry about that. The boys are coming to stay tomorrow. Is that okay?" My heart stops. The boys? She couldn't be serious. Before I can stop myself, I let out a high-pitched squeal and nod frantically. She giggles at my small outburst and shakes her head playfully in disapproval.

"So, what did you get done?"

"Oh um not much, I heard you mention Louis so I just froze for a while..." I know what Sandra is thinking, that I am going to be some dumb fan girl when they arrive tomorrow.

"So anyway, Harry just called and said that they were in town. He asked if they could stay for two weeks or so and I said it is ok and that you didn't mind. Good thing I know now that you don't. At least you can finally meet Louis in person!" She gently nudges me and winks.

"Yeah I know I heard... I mean awesome! I really can't wait!" I tried to hide as much as possible that I overheard their conversation but I guess whenever it comes to Louis, nothing can keep me away. He is just so perfect.

"Great! They are going to be here first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you don't mind skipping school..."

"OF COURSE NOT! You think I would still go to school when I get a chance to meet Lou... I mean One Direction!" I try to calm myself down as much as possible.

"Ok, Ok, but whatever you do stay away from Harry!" she remarks, attempting to narrow her eyes at me.

"Wait, you're not telling me you still have a crush on him are you!?"

"So what if I do!" And I just know that she does.


Thank you so much for reading!

Twitter: @LiveLaughLoveWP

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