Chapter 46 - You'll never Be Mine

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Chapter 46

Gen's POV

Hi Genevieve. I also need to talk to you, but let me talk first when we meet. Let's meet up next Friday for lunch at Nando's -Louis

How odd. Louis usually texts me "Gen" instead of my full name ...

and he also didn't put "x Louis" at the end of the text

I guess it's a good thing though

"What did he say?" Sandra pops up behind me

"God you scared me!" i say

"He just said he also needs to talk to me" i tell her

Just as she leaves, my phone chimes. it's a text from Zayn

Perrie's house at 6pm for dinner. Where a dress (not formal). i will come pick you up :-) Love you, - x Zayn

Alright thanks for letting me know :)

For some reason now, Zayn is always saying "love you" to me and the thing is, just yesterday, it seemed like he was avoiding me

After replying Zayn, i get up from the couch and go to bed


Today I am meeting up with Louis for lunch at Nandos

After doing my usual getting ready, I put on a floral skirt that is pink and has accent colours of green and red as well as a black halter top. My makeup is simple, all i have on is some black eyeshadow and mascara. i didn't bother putting on heavy makeup since i am only seeing Louis and he has seen me without makeup plenty of times before

I loosely curl my hair and put on my white converse and head into the kitchen

When I walk into the kitchen, Sandra is in there eating her breakfast

"Good morning" i greet her

"Hey" she says without looking up from her phone

I walk over to the fridge and get out a mini serving container of Chobani yoghurt and some granola from the cupboard

"Where are you off to?" Sandra asks

"I am going to meet Louis for lunch" i reply

"Shouldn't you not eat anything then?" she asks

"Well, I don't think that we would get much done because of all the talking that we are going to do" i tell her

"If you say so" she says and goes back onto her phone

"I'm going now" i tell her

"Ok,have fun" she says

"I'll sure try" i say and get my yoghurt from the kitchen top and head out of the door


"Hey" i greet Louis outside of Nandos

"Hey" he says and gives me a small smile

"So, shall we go in?" i suggest

"Sure" he says and we go into Nandos

The lady at the front desk straight away notices Louis and leads us into a separate area

"Here are the menu's, I will be back in 5 minutes to collect your orders" the lady says and leaves

"So, do you want to eat first or discuss first?" I ask him

"Let's eat first" he says and gives me a small smile, once again

Louis and I both order 4 churrasco BBQ thigh pieces and a coke


"Ok, so would you like to talk first or should i go?" he asks

"You can go first" i tell him

Here we go

"Alright, well, i want this to come across in the nicest way possible and i don't want you to think that i mean this in a bad way, ok?" he says


"Well, Gen, I-" he stops to sigh

"I don't have feelings for you anymore" he says

Oh, well that wasn't so bad

I just nod

"and-" he says

Ok, maybe the bad part hasn't risen yet

"I have arranged with management to set me up with another girl while you go back with Zayn. This is because Perrie and Sam were caught out with Oliver and we cannot do anything to cover that up, so they are setting you up with Zayn again" he tells me

"And you suggested this?" i ask him

"Yes" he says

There is an awkward silence

"Are you ok with all this?" Louis asks, breaking the silence

I nod slowly but don't look at him

"What are you thinking about?" he asks

"Nothing ...." i reply him

It's true in some way. i wasn't exactly thinking about anything in particular i was just clouded minded.

I do need to apologise to Louis still and all but it's just about the thing he said. Being paired up with Zayn ...

I mean, sure it is great for me and all because i like him, but what about him? the last time i talked to him i was sure that he still had feelings for Perrie

"About the thing you wanted to tell me?" Louis asked

"Ahh right" i say and push my hair behind my ear

"Louis, I just want to apologise about the multiple times i have lead you on and made you think the wrong thing when as a matter of fact i still liked Zayn and even now i still do, but what i did was very wrong of me and i should not have hurt you like that. I'm sorry" i tell him

There is a small silence

"Well I do forgive you but what you have done was very heart breaking for me" he says

"Is that why you wanted to set yourself up with someone else? because you knew i still liked Zayn?" i ask him and he nods

"Does that mean you still like me?" i ask him

"I do still like you Gen. I have ever since i first saw you because who could pass up a pretty, young and smart girl like you? but I am getting over you because i know you will never be mine" he says

"I'm sorry Louis" i apologise

"It's ok Gen, you can't control your feelings" he says

"So are we good now?" he asks

"Yeah" i say and give him a small smile

We both stand up from our seats and walk towards the door

"You have to meet Zayn tomorrow at the show for some stunts" Louis says before we could leave


Stunts? Not for me they're not


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Twitter: @LiveLaughLoveWP

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