Chapter 10 - Promising Accidents

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Chapter 10

Louis' POV

By the time I realise what Zayn's doing, it's too late. I hadn't prepared for this; I didn't expect him to blow up so fast. As his hard knuckles come into contact with my fragile right cheek, I yelp and fall backwards onto my bed. Thank god for the bed.

I try to helplessly defend myself as Zayn holds his fist up to greet me with another blow. I can just feel the blood dripping down my face and I am in no position to fight him back. To my surprise and relief, Zayn puts his arm down and storms out of the room. He mutters something that I couldn't quite make out.

My face is sore, and the right side is practically numb. My hands are stained with bright red droplets, but luckily the bleeding isn't so bad. I don't know what I would have done if he punched my eye or my jaw instead.

When I think about Genevieve's reaction to all this, I force myself to smile. This was my plan; to say enough to aggravate Zayn. I knew that if I mentioned Genevieve liking me better, he would lose his shit.

I stumble out the doorway, warily looking around for Zayn. I think he left the house, as I recall the front door slamming.

I climb upstairs to find Genevieve. When I see her on the couch, I start to whine, whilst clutching onto my face and squeezing it. More blood trickles down from my open wound, just how I wanted it to.

"Oh my god! Louis! What happened to you?" She rushes over to me and I try my best to look as pained as possible.

"Zayn...he attacked me..." I say, trying to put in a bad word for Zayn. I should feel bad for lying, but if this is the only way to get Genevieve, then I'm in.

Genevieve leads me to the small upstairs bathroom and I sit on the closed toilet seat. She wets a towel and begins to wipe the right side of my face. It doesn't take long for all the blood to soak into the crystal white towel.

"Sorry about all the blood," I do feel bad that she is cleaning up my mess because I know how most girls feel about blood.

"It's alright. Sorry about what happened with Zayn. Why did he do this to you?"

I know its mean but I need to make Zayn sound his worst right now.

"I really don't know. You see, I just went back to the bedroom and was getting my phone and then he just throws me a punch for no reason. Oh wait, no I think something else happened first. I really don't know. I can't remember, I think the punch has gotten to my brain or something, but all I remember after that is seeing blood dripping onto my hand. Zayn was gone and the first person I saw first was you," I hope she buys it.

"Yikes. Ok done. Would you like to rest in my room for a while?"

Well of course I want to. I would take any opportunity I get to spend time with you, not to mention sleep on your bed. You are so beautiful and I want you to be mine. I want to make you happy and I want you to make me happy and I want us to give happiness a chance. Please just forget about Zayn, and come to me.

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