I've Gone Shopping P.S Don't Go Into The Kitchen

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Recap: "A toaster, seriously?" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll explain on the way."


As we drove to the closest Walmart, and I recapped to Hunter what had happened this morning. He burst out laughing, "Yo.. you..." Yeah he couldn't even finish a sentence, I was never going to live this down. I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't and I started to laugh with him, then I nearly crashed into a pole so I stopped. Focus Cassie.

"Hey wanna have a sleep over tonight?"

"With Aislinn?"

Of cause dummy." I yelled slapping him across the arm, laughing. Whenever Ash came over she always pranked Hunter, of cause I always helped, we were the masters of pranking. We pulled into the parking lot and I pulled out my phone to text her:

Me: Wanna come over tonight, Hunter's coming ;)

Ash: Mwahaha I have an idea starting already :D

Me: Ooh can I have a clue, at the shops now?

Ash: Just get me some brown icing :)

Me: ?? ok

"Shes coming." I announced. Hunter sighed. I laughed.

"Fine, but if she does anything she is so screwed."

"Oh and we also need brown icing."

"What, why?" He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Uhh crap. Think Cassie.

"I decided I want to make a cake." He snickered. I glared at him, told you I would never live it down. "Whatever loser." I smirked at him, "Ok, LETS GO SHOPPING!!!" I shouted, grabbing Hunter's hand and practically dragging him along with me. You could say we got a few strange looks. I just smiled. We entered the store and I pulled out the shopping list. First Frosty Flakes, we went to the aisle with the cereal and got the rest of the groceries. We ended up getting a few more things just lollies and chips and stuff for tonight and went to the dvd store across the road and rented out some movies.


When I got home, I saw Margret's car parked on the side of the road. I opened the door and Margret stormed into the living room.  "HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE SO MUCH MESS!!! AND YOU LEFT THE DOG INSIDE AND HERE PEED IN THE KITCHEN AND I FELL IN IT!!!" Margret raged. I coughed to cover a laugh at her falling in Kyle's pee. "I'M NOT FINISHED. YOU LEFT ME A NOTE SAYING 'I'VE GONE SHOPPING P.S DON'T GO INTO THE KITCHEN!!" Maybe I should of cleaned that up before we left,plus its not my fault she didn't listen to the note, but I wasn't about to get a lecture about it. Margret's face was red and she breathing deeply. Don't get me wrong Margret's great, but sometimes she can get over the top. I smiled gently at her.

"I'm sorry I left you the note but I was going to clean it up I swear." I said holding three fingers up on my right hand. "Scouts honour." "Plus, I wasn't the one who made the mess." I sighed and shook my head. "Hunter did, I told him not to but he insisted he could cook so I wasn't going to turn down a free cooked meal." Hunter looked at me shocked, I smirked at him. Her eyes narrowed at him. Hahaha teach him to laugh at me, then make me laugh and nearly crash my car! "Don't worry Marge we brought a new toaster and some groceries." I said holding the toaster up. She smiled at me and patted my arm.

"Its ok dear, go up stairs and relax." I smiled at her, turning to go upstairs I heard Hunter behind me. "And where do you think your going mister?" 

"Ummm, upstairs with Cassie?" He guessed. 

"Oh no you don't you have to come help me clean up the mess you made." She said, getting annoyed.

"B..but I...he didn't get to finish, she grabbed he by arm and started pulling him into the kitchen. I snorted, Hunter shot me a you-are-so-dead-when-I-finish-cleaning-up-your-mess look. I smiled at him. I heard Marge grumbled something about kids these days. I went upstairs and flopped onto my bed and pulled out my phone and texted Ash:

At War With My NeighbourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora