Mr. Mysterious Hot Guy Your Sure Are A Jerk

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Recap: I was in the kitchen, when I glanced out the window to see the hot guy in my garden. I ran outside to get a better look at what he was doing and to see why he was in my yard to see the jerk, pissing in the garden, in my yard! "Hey!" I screamed, my heart racing, anger running through me, my hands were in tight fist, how dare he piss on my garden. Who does he think he is?

He turned around and smirked, "Hey yourself."

"What the hell do you think your doing?"


Cassie's POV

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He replied with a smirk.

"Pissing on my lawn!" I screamed.

"Woah calm down I'm done." He said zipping his pants up. Calm down, he wants me to calm down! Him saying this makes me even more angry.

"Get off my lawn." I hissed.

"Babe chill, why don't you come over to my place and relax then we can have some fun," he answered, while taking a step closer. I was going to take a step back, No hold your ground Cassie!

"I am not your babe, now please get off my lawn or I will do it for you."

"I'd like to see that."

"Ok then, if you say so," I say innocently. I kicked him right where the sun don't shine, he fell over groaning, his face red.

"Why did you do that," he gasped out. Instead of answering him I grabbed him my his hair and pulled him across my lawn and into his yard. 

"Don't come near me, my dog or my house again, this is the only warning you gonna get mister!" I stalked away when he called out.

"Hey can I ask you your name?"

"Cassie," I replied swiftly, continuing to walk.

"I'm Jace." 

"I see your still talking to me, so I suggest you go inside before I come kick your ass again, Jerk!" I smiled, smug. I heard Jace slam his door. Haha, Cassie 1, Jace 0.


Jace's POV

I slammed my door and went to the freezer which luckily had a frozen pea pack inside, I hadn't finished unpacking yet, but right now I have to think of a plan to get that bitch, Cassie back, no one kicks Jace in the balls, plus I don't really think I'm up to moving things around at the moment.

I thought of the girl, she looks pretty young, but she is hot, I smiled to myself, and she has a good rack. Don't get me wrong I officially hate this Cassie, but I have to admit she looks good with those big doe eyes that make her look innocent, innocent my ass by the way, and those, NO!.  I shook those thoughts out of my mind, she is the enemy, now think...wait a minute didn't she say she has a dog, I smiled before standing up and grabbing my keys looks like I'm going for a shopping trip.

I came back with a a brand new electric razor, some scissors and some orange dye, very bright orange I might add. I went outside and surveyed her yard, looking for the dog, are there you are, I whistled and the stupid fluffball saw me and ran straight to me. "Good little doggie." I picked him up and brought him inside with me.

I put him in the laundry sink, before get the scissors starting to cut off all of his hair accept the his feet, ears and tail, I laughed at him and he barked, Aaaw this dog is pretty cute. I got the razor and shaved off the rest off his hair so he became bald. He now had little pom pom feet, a fluffy tail and ears. 

I ran a bath for the dog and scrubbed him with the orange dye, until he was bright orange. Poor dog, I kind of felt bad for him considering how nice he seemed. All well Cassie deserves it. I took him back outside after he dried and put him on the other side of the fence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2012 ⏰

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