Mission: Save Kyle From The Evil Poop Monster

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Recap: "Well..."She began as she told me one of our best pranks yet.

"Mwahahahaha." We both started to laugh like evil geniuses, I was sitting in my spinning chair I turned around then turned back and said with a deep voice, "You have out done your self once again, little one, mwahahaha!"

"Whats going on up there?" Oh yeah forgot about Hunter. We both burst out laughing again. "I've taken your dog hostage Cassie!" he yelled, "and I won't give him back until you open this door now." Poor Kyle. I looked at Aislinn. "I'll go out first, and get Kyle, when I give you the call you go out and tackle Hunter." Got it?" She nodded. "Ok I'm coming out." I turned the lock and opened the door.


I looked down the hall way, where are they? I turned around to my best friend and she shrugged her shoulders. Ok, I'm on my own. I went down the stairs and turned the corner and..."BOO!"

"Aaaarrggghh," I screamed, "What the hell Hunter, wheres my Kyle?"

"Ummm..."  At that moment Aislinn walks into the room and tackles both of us to the ground. "Oooof!" There was a loud thud as we fell to the ground and a moment of confusion. "Get off..."

"What the?"

"Who is touching my bum?"

"Get off me!" Aislinn stood up and smiled sheepishly. I raised my eyebrow.

"Well I thought you did the call," Ash stated. Oh yeah forgot about the call, its basically a battle cry, we have got to change that. I was still lying on top of Hunter as he tried to escape.

"Hello what about me?" I grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him back to the ground.

"Where is my little Kyle?" I growled at him. How dare he take Kyle, he was only a baby. 

"H..he's outside."

"Well ok then." I jumped off Hunter and walked to the screen door. "Kyle," I called. He came round the corner and ran to me jumping into my arms. "Good boy Kyle, did that meanie hurt you?" Kyle licked my face. "Awww you are so adorable, yes you are," I cooed. He let out a little yip and licked my face again. I carried him inside and shut the door, putting Kyle on the ground. Haha Cassie has saved the day!

I fed Kyle a snack and looked at the clock, the numbers flashed 3:00. I walked back into the living room, "Hey guys what do you want to do?"

"Umm I don't know." Hunter replied I shot him a look.

"How about we make a cake and go swimming?" I winked at Ash.

"You mean a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing?" She asked, as her mouth turned into smile.

"Yep." I replied smiling as well.

"Why are you two looking at each other like that." Hunter looked at us suspiciously.

"Like what?" I asked innocently. He narrowed his eyes at me, walking over to the couch to watch t.v. "Arn't you going to help us bake a cake?"

"Nah, I'm just gonna watch some t.v."

"Ok." I walked into the kitchen following Aislinn. "Our plan is working perfectly," I whispered.

"I know," she whispered excitedly, "now we just have to burn the cake."

"Such a waste," I said shaking my head.

"But it will be worth it." She smiled evilly.

"Ok lets get the show on the road."


After about an hour of preparing the mixture, we finally put the cake in the oven about 20 degrees hotter than it should be. I know, an hour to make a cake mixture, obviously the people who made this lied. Anyway we made the oven hotter so they cake would cook faster and burn quicker but hopefully not catching fire. We cleaned up the mess cause lets face it, we don't need an agro Margret ruining our master plan.

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