That night.

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At the VMA'S:

One direction was on stage, they were going announce the best pop video. I was competing with one of my friends, Bruno Mars.

I looked at the big screen, and waited till my name popped up. As soon as the video said "Selena Gomez, Come and Get It" my heart dropped, I was really nervous, I haven't planned out a speech because I wasn't sure I wasn't going to win.

As soon as the video on the screen finished, everyone in the audience has their eyes on the boys on stage. The curly hair one with the beautiful British accent said "And the VMA'S pop video goes to-". The man in the middle, I think his name was Louis had the envelope in his hand.

All the boys leaned into Louis and check who won. Louis opened the envelope slowly and as soon as they saw the name, all the boys yelled "Selena Gomez, Come and get it!!!!".

My heart skipped a beat I stood up from the seat and gave Bruno a hug and walked to the stage, I was so nervous I couldn't feel my legs.

I didn't think I would win. I walked towards Louis, gave him a hug and grabbed the microphone. Then I walked towards my left and gave Zayn, Liam, and Harry a hug. I felt something while I gave Harry a hug, it felt good. Beside Harry was Niall, I also gave him a hug. While I was greeting the boys they all gave me a peck on the cheek. I looked to my left and I saw Zayn holding out my moonman, I looked at it in shock, I gasped so loud, I probably choked on air.

I grabbed the moonman into my hands and my microphone on the other. "Oh my god, this is heavy- this is my first actual moonman, thank you so much- this has been such a great year for me I wouldn't have done it without you- this is so cool" I looked at the award and said thank you for the last time and added a "I love you guys" and waved goodbye.

I turned around and headed backstage while the boys were behind me, they were talking about something I didn't listen. Everything was such a blur to me. We walked in a corner, I turned around and I said "thank you guys", The blonde haired boy replied "No problem love" in a very Irish accent, Liam budged in the conversation and said "I'm a fan of your music, I enjoy listening to your music whenever it comes on the radio" I blushed a little bit and whispered "thank you" to liam.
I never met one direction before this was my first time actually talking to them- face to face, without any paparazzi's nor screaming fans. Niall elbowed Harry softly and secretly that I wouldn't see it, but I saw it.

The tall curly haired boy, with a deep raspy voice said "um, Selena you look very nice tonight" the boys stopped talking and giggled like school girls.

His voice is so beautiful, I love how it flows so easily into my ear, also his accent was such a turn on for me. I looked up and saw him grinning at me.

Why am I so shy when it comes to good looking people, I confidently say "It took me hours to find this dress, i hope it was worth it but thank you" I smiled. Louis shouted "Well, we don't want to miss the rest of the show, but its very nice to meet you and are you able to go to the afterparty?". I replied "I did hear about the afterparty but I honestly don't know if I'm going, I'm extremely exhausted" - Louis replied "Oh, well see you later" with a smile, and I waved goodbye as the boys turned around, heading towards the exit for the backstage that leads to the show, but before they were leaving Harry turned his head really fast and gave me a wink.

Right there I think I died a little inside, I think I'm going to the afterparty now. I walked to the exit so I could see the show- the show only has probably only 10 more minutes till it's finished so I walked back to my seat and sat down.

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