The Orange Rose ~ Kaoru Hitachiin

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-The Orange Rose-
~Kaoru Hitachiin~
^Ouran Highschool Host Club^

Ouran Academy was a huge school. How could I ever find my way around? I should probably ask for directions.

The most friendliest person that I saw in sight was a short boy with blonde  hair. I walked towards him and tapped his shoulder gently. The guy he was talking to turned his eyes towards me. What I didn't notice was I was staring up at the guy. Wow! He's tall! Or I must be short.

"Hi! I'm Honey!" The little blondie said cheerfully. He sounded like a  elementary schooler. Why is he wearing the High school uniform?

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I blinked and saw Honey right in front of my face.  "Agh!!" I stepped back and tried to keep my balance.

"Oh sorry! haha! Are you new here?" "Yeah! My name is L/N, F/N."

"Nice to meet you! Oh! This is my best friend Takashi, but you can call him  Mori! He doesn't talk much" All of a sudden I saw Honey climbing onto Mori like a monkey. I think I chose the wrong people to talk to...

"Can you guys tell me where classroom A1 is?" I asked. Honey looked at my  schedule from Mori's shoulders. "Oh that's just down the hall! Our friends are in that class. Y/N chan you should visit the Host Club after school, you can meet more people that way"

That couldn't be too bad. Meeting people is always great. But what if I mess up and ruin my reputation here at Ouran? I shook my head, shaking the bad thoughts out. "I will see if I can, Thanks for your help guys." I started walking  towards my classroom. When I walked in most of the seats were filled.

I spotted one empty seat and I quickly made my way towards it. Once I sat  down I sighed in relief. "Hey!" I turned my head and saw a ginger haired boy standing in front of me. "I'm sorry is this your seat?" I started to stand up and gather my things. "No your fine, its just you dropped this" I looked at what it was in his hand. It was an orange rose.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't mi-" He just smiled and looked me in the eyes. "Keep it, a beautiful girl like you deserves one." My cheeks heated up as he handed me the rose.

As class started and he sat a few seats away from me I stared at the rose. A note was attached to it. "You are welcomed to the Host Club after school, Princess." Host club? Isn't that the club Honey told me about?

My eyes darted forward as Sensei started teaching. The ginger haired boy walked into the classroom. Wait a second..

I turned my head towards my left and saw the same ginger haired boy sitting down. TWINS?!


After class I saw the twins starting to walk out. I grabbed my things quickly to catch up to them. "Hey!" "Oh hey new girl" One of them smirked.

"Oh sorry, I'm Y/N." I stuck out my hand for them to shake, but instead of them shaking my hand they both grabbed one hand each and kissed the top of it. My face flushed red as they let go. "I'm Hikaru." "And I'm Kaoru." "And we are the Hitachiin twins!" How are they so in sync?

"I will be at the host club after school, if that's okay..." "Why wouldn't we want a beautiful princess like you to come to the Host club?" Hikaru said. "Yeah, and if you don't come it would make me sad." Kaoru said. It looked like he was about to cry.

"I'll be there for sure..uhh..see you later" I smiled and started walking away.


During lunch I was walking towards my locker until I heard two familiar voices. "Please, keep it a beautiful girl like you deserves one" Kaoru was giving another girl an orange rose. "See you at the Host club beautiful princess" Hikaru kissed her hand. The girl blushed and walked away smiling.

"So....a host club just wants to play with people's hearts? Think they are actually special? I'm so stupid..." I said tears in my eyes. The twins both looked at me. "Y/N....wait!" Kaoru ran after me, leaving his brother behind. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"Kaoru...what do you want?!" "H-how did you know that I'm Kaoru?"

"It's easy to tell you guys apart." You wiped your tears away and stared into Kaoru's amber-colored eyes.

He had a smile on his face. "I knew you were special" he whispered. "What do you mean?" He sat down on the window sill and patted the spot next to him.

I sat down slowly and kept my distance, but he just kept coming closer. He told me his story. How no one can tell the famous Hitachiin brothers apart.

"I'm sorry must be hard. But I don't really understand, you and Hikaru have two different personalities and yeah you do look the same but I know that your not 'the same', I don't know I bet you don't really understand I guess-"  Kaoru set his lips onto yours and you sunk into the kiss.

"K-Kaoru I.." "You don't have to say anything else.." He smiled and continued to kiss you. All of a sudden a loud cough was heard in the distance.

"Hikaru! your blowing our cover!!" A blonde male yelled. "Hey Y/N chan!!" It was Honey who was carrying a pink stuffed bunny with Mori behind him. "Man  Kaoru you just met the girl and your already sucking faces, I thought I was worse." Hikaru chuckled. "Your still worse Hikaru" Haruhi complained. "What?! What is that supposed to mean?!" Hikaru yelled.

"Y/N this is the Ouran Host Club, and I personally invite you, and only you to be my guest today" Kaoru said holding up an Orange Rose.

This Rose looked more special. I don't know if it was the texture, the way it  looked, the smell. But all I knew was that it was the most cherished thing that I wanted to keep in my life.

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