Chapter 15 (+ Author's Note)

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There was this soft click as the metal cuff on my ankle snapped off. "Huh?"

"Like I said, I need you to trust me. Mia m's asleep, and really ill, she has to stay here and rest. We're going for a walk." Grayson said, offering me his hand to help me up.

"I need to show you something, Kayla."




"Do you think Herobrine's dead?"

"Dead? Define what you mean by dead?" Collin asked, sitting upright. It's been about an hour, with no sign of Drake.

"Dead for good. Never ever coming back. That's what you said, when Drake used a shit tonne of magic to forge that super-sacred-swordy thing, that that sword killed him.

But does he actually die?

Like, can he actually die?"

Armen asked... droplets of fear in his voice.


A short chapter, I know. I had to take a couple weeks off writing because a pretty big fucking problem came up, taking up all my spare time. Whoop di doop.

Anyway, I am back now, and more chapters are on da wayy!!!

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