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"Maggie, would you like to get a ride in a military vehicle?" Peggy approached me in my quarters. I glanced up from my journal that I was sketching a picture of home in. She held a smirk on her red lips and her hair was pinned up in a fancy sort of bun. She wore her army green uniform and I still sat in civillian clothes. A smile crept onto my face and I nodded. I could finally get a chance to ride in one. "Hurry and put on your uniform." she ordered.

I frowned and furrowed my brows at her. I wasnt in the army technically. "I dont have a uniform." I said, confused.

She rolled her eyes. "Check the closet. I brought one in for you. Now that you are in the super-soldier program, you were enlisted since it is for soldiers only. Be downstairs at the car lot I showed you the other day in ten minutes. Dont be late, or we will leave without you." she said seriously. My eyes widened. Only ten minutes? She pursed her lips and made a swift exit, making sure to close the door.

I stood quickly, forgetting the notebook in my lap which toppled to the ground. I didnt even bother to pick it up. I rushed to the closet and swung open the doors, seeing a neat uniform hanging in the center. Quickly, I snagged it from the hanger and tossed it onto my bed while I pulled off my civillian ware, leaving it crumpled on the floor. I slipped into the uniform and brushed out the wrinkles, making sure to tuck my locket in beneath it so I wouldn't be in trouble for wearing it when it was not part of the uniform. I rushed to the bathroom in my quarters and tied up my hair in a messy bun, but still nice enough for uniform regulation. Quickly, I swiped on some red lipstick and brushed on black mascara and eyeliner. When I thought it looked well enough, I bolted out the door, leaving the lights on and a mess of a living space.

I sprinted down the dirt road, pebbles and rocks crunching under my weight and kicking up dust behind me. I ran as fast as I could, pumping my arms opposite of my legs. My strides were long and quick, and I felt my heart thumping in my chest and heard it in my ears. In the distance, the car lot was slowly growing larger with every step.

As I neared, I could see a small formation of men perfectly aligned with one another and a drill sergeant standing in front of them. Peggy was climbing her way into the front seat of the military vehicle. I saw poor little Steve at the rear of the formation. We hadn't had the chance to talk since his arrival. Only short glimpses at each other while he was training. I hoped he wouldn't get left behind for whatever we were about to do, which looked like it was going to be a run. The formation of men stood at attention and the driver marched past the troop and drill sergeant to the vehicle where Peggy sat shotgun. I neared and could hear the low rumble of the engine starting up.

"Wait! I'm here!" I shouted, panting and out of breath. My legs felt like jello but I willed them to keep moving until I was beside the open roofed truck. I felt everyone's eyes on me. Luckily I didnt care and shared a grin with Peggy.

"You're late." she arched a brow my way.

I rolled my eyes and hopped up into the back seat. "You're early." I shot back. She scoffed and turned to face forward in her seat. The driver was eyeing me and questioning my being here, but didnt say anything. I glanced back at the troop and watched them stare blankly. I smirked at Steve and faced forward. The vehicled hummed and vibrated to a start, and it rolled forward on its wheels. The drill sergeant moved to their side and the group started at a jog to keep pace with the truck as we moved toward the route we would be taking. A 13 mile trek through the surrounding woods. The wind kissed my cheeks and whipped through my hair as we gradually picked up speed, the tents becoming faint behind us as we kept going. I smiled and watched the world pass by in pure joy. If only I could have Bucky by my side through all of this. My mind wandered to where he possibly could be, or what he might be doing. Was he safe at a camp, eating cold food and sleeping in thin tents? Or was he facing battle, killing Nazis and hiding from stray bullets? Was he hurt, or unharmed? Where was he? How was he? Did he miss me as much as I missed him? My mind wandered with the thoughts of Bucky. So much so, that I hadnt realised we were slowing to a stop just ahead of a flag pole. The troop stopped abruptly, and I turned to see what it was about. Way in the back, poor Steve came huffing around the corner, his face red and his breathing labored.

"Let's go Rogers!" The drill sergeant shouted sternly. Steve caught up and fell into formation. I watched closely and intently. "This flag here marks the halfway point. The first one of you to retrieve the flag will get a ride back with Agent Carter and Sergeant Dornwall." The drill sergeant said. "Fall out!" He ordered. Every member of the formation lurched forward a clung to the pole, wanting to retrieve the flag. I raised my brows at the bafoons, struggling and slipping like a bunch of little kids. All except for Steve, who merely stood back and watched. "Come on men! That flag has not been retrieved in over 17 years!" The drill sergeant yelled at them. And still, they scrambled, not making it further than a few feet up before sliding back down to the bottom. After about 30 seconds, the drill sergeant was tired of watching their failed attempts. "Fall in!" He ordered loudly. All of the men gathered themselves together and ran into their previous formation. Again, except for Steve. "Rogers! I said fall in!" The drill sergeant shouted at my little brother. I frowned at Steve, curious as to why he wasn't following orders. Steve ignored the orders, and trudged toward the lone flagpole. "Rogers!" the drill sergeant yelled.

I began to worry about the chance of consequences and I felt my body get antsy. Please, Steve, just follow orders. I knew it was hard for him to run, but I knew he would not be able to climb up the almost 30 foot pole. I nearly yelled for him to stop, but I kept quiet. On one hand, I was screaming for him to get in formation, and on the other, I was anticipating his next choices with curiosity. Steve looked up at the flag twirling in the breeze and lowered his head as he bent down. He gripped the metal pin holding the pole upright and ripped it out. He took a small step back as the pole slowly began to lean, gradually falling. It clanged to the ground and I smirked. Steve proudly stepped to the flag that now rested on the dirt floor and unhooked it from its attachments. I couldn't have been more proud of my little brother as he marched past the drill sergeant, handing the silky flag to him. I smiled excitedly as he hopped into the back seat beside me and I turned to face forward, holding in the urge to wrap him in a big hug. Peggy glanced back at us with a small gleam in her brown eyes before facing forward again. I bit my lip to avoid a smile and Steve looked around like a small kid in a candy shop.

"Alright. Let's go." he laughed. The drill sergeant looked stunned and all of the other soldiers had their jaws dropped. The driver started up the vehicle and we rolled forward on our own, leaving the troop of idiots behind. As soon as we were out of sight of all of them, I turned to Steve with a grin and flung my arms around his small frame.

"Stevie! Oh, gosh! I am so proud of you!" I cheered, holding back happy tears.

Steve chuckled and hugged me back as tight as he could. "I missed you Mags." he said, his voice being muffled by my hug.

"I missed you too pal." I giggled, finally releasing him. "Are you okay?" I asked, concerned he might be hiding a medical issue.

He grinned. "Im great. Have you heard from Bucky?" he asked.

My smile drooped and my eyes dropped to my hands. "No. I havent. I hope he is okay." I mumbled. I felt his hand slip over mine, and his weak fingers gave my hand a squeeze.

"Im sure he is okay, Mags. He has to be. You know he wouldn't leave us." Steve reassured. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Till the end of the line, pal." I grinned.

Steve smirked and nodded. "Till the end of the line."

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