Chapter 1

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That's all that was on my mind. I need to find him. He will pay for what he has done. Finger on the trigger ready to shoot any moment. First chance I get he is dead meat! I thought he loved me...was this all a lie?! Why would he do this to me?! He was my first love!!


Running even as fast as my short legs can carry me. Is that him? That's is him. My target.




*earlier that week*

"Sky!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Yes mom?" Calls back but doesn't hear her answer. "Yes?!" Replies again and yet again no answer. "Ugggh..." I groaned as I got up out of my comfy bed. "I just got comfy mooooom...." I said walking out of my room and pouts.

"Hehe I'm sorry dear. Ready to go shopping?"

"Ah! Shoot! I forgot! I'll be down in a sec mom!" I called out to her as I ran back into my room. I got dressed quickly into a loose FOB shirt, skinny jeans, and black converse. "One more final touch!" I go to my closet and grabs my black beenie and puts it on my head. I walk up to my full length mirror and looks at myself smiling. "I look cute!" I said giggling then I grabbed my purse and slide down the rails on the staircase.

"Ah Sky be careful!" I heard my mom say to me.

"I'm fine mom!" I said smiling brightly. "See no harm done! This time."

My mom smiled then grabbed her car keys. "Come on let's go you little weirdo"

"Hey! You gave birth to this little weirdo!" I said laughing as she laughed also.

We both walked out the house and got into the black SUV. Once my mom turned on the car I immediately turned onto my favorite radio station as fall out boy starts singing. "Yes!" I said happily and starts singing with them. I love Patrick stump so much! I love his voice!

"Soooooo what shall we do first?" I heard my mom say to start up conversation.

"Shop for clothes! Duh!" I said smiling.

"I knew you were gonna say that" she replied smiling.

After a while of shopping, I decided to go get a pretzel from one of the carts in the mall right outside the store my mom is in.

"AHHHHHH" I turned around quickly as I heard screams coming from the store. With the screams I heard multiple gun shots. My eyes widen as I dropped the pretzel and ran to the store and look around frantically in the crowd of people. "Mom? Mom?! Where are you?!" I run to the crowd of people and make my way through the center of the crowd and screamed at what I saw. My moms lifeless body laying on the ground in a puddle of her own blood. "M-mom please....please wake up!" I pleaded while crying. "First dad....I just can't lose you too!" I kept pleading as I tried to wake her up. "M-mom....please....please wake up..." I said laying down next to her holding her close to me as I get soaked in her blood. "Please don't leave me...."

HEY GUYS!!! New story is up!!! First non fanfic! Let me know what you think!

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