Important A/N

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Hey guys I am so so sorry for not updating. College got me really busy and especially with this new semester and trying to keep up the honors title. I'm barely gonna be home I'm on campus all day. Tomorrow I have to be there from 8 in the morning like 8-9:50 is my math class. 10-10:50 is English. I have break from 10:50-1. Stage craft from 1-3:40 then I have a short meeting right after to help out with auditions then my acting teacher wants me to audition for the play. And plus I'm already in a show and I have a ton of homework like tonight I have to finish math. Print out a short story of mine to present at the audition and also create a resumé. If any of y'all reading that lives in Greensboro NC come out to the Greensboro fringe festival the show I'm in shows February 2nd 3rd and 4th. It's really funny. I play 3 characters. Maybury, Betsy, and Mary. If you want more info about it just message me on here. So when I'm not so busy I promise I will try to update. This is what I get for wanting to be an actress a lot of work and stress.

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