Chapter 2

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Slow's just....moving so slow. I looked at my mom as I heard screams and cries that sounded so distant. I looked up at the cops and paramedics as I can see them trying to talk to me, but I heard nothing come from them. All I said was there mouths moving.

Soon I began to lift up in the air. This all feels like a dream. I want to wake up but I know....I'm already awake. This is reality. She is really gone. Everything started to go normal speed as I was being escorted out by the police.

All I can do is stare and figure out what just happened. I'm like an empty shell. I'm a prisoner in my own body. I want out.

"Miss? Miss are you alright?! What's your name?" I hear the young police officer say next to me. I looked at him with a blank stare without saying anything. "Do you know what happened?!" He asked again. Like before I didn't say anything.

"Sky!! Oh my gosh!!" I heard and saw my best friend violet run out of the store. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. "I am so sorry sky...I'm so sorry...."

I hugged back and let the tears stream down my face like a waterfall. I couldn't hold it back any longer. I looked and saw she had her phone out. "Violet? By any chance....did you take a video?"

"Um yes why?" She replied confused.

"Let me see it" I said grabbing her phone. I opened up her gallery and click on the video. Violet and I watched as she was taking a video of her and her mom as you here gun shots being fired and the video immediately pans around to see the suspect standing over my moms body. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood over his head, blue jeans, and combat boots. "Those shoes does NOT go with that outfit. Major fashion disaster" Violet said.

"Shhh" I told her as I glared at the suspect. "Who is that....?"

"I don't know..." violet said. "But we will find him. Don't you worry sky. Oh! I realized this is gonna be like a spy show! Eeeeee!"

"Shut up violet!" I said frustrated.

"Oh sorry....ok so what's the plan?"

I gave her phone back to her and said, "first....we hunt him down. No matter what it takes. We will find him. He will pay for what he did to my mother." I stood up and flicked my hood up over my head and puts my hands in my pocket and walks away from the store with violet close behind me.

I promise you mom....he will pay....

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