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Before Keith can respond in any way, Rolo disappears into the depths of the crowded hallway. As unpleasant as getting punched was, Keith is kinda glad. It should be over now. Or at least he hopes that it's over now... He hopes that neither Nyma or Rolo feel the need to bother him over petty things anymore. With a heavy sigh, Keith gently pushes past other people and walks into the bathroom. Even though there is no evidence of him getting punched on his shirt due to its dark color, there is plenty evidence on his face. Along with getting a bloody nose, his face is a little discolored. The bruising probably wouldn't show if he wasn't so pale.

With a heavy sigh, he wets a paper towel and starts to clean his face. Upon hearing the loud sound of a toilet flushing, Keith emits another sigh. After what happened with Rolo, he would really appreciate some time to himself.

"Oh hey Keith," a familiar voice says, before using the sink next to him. Giving his companion a quick glance, he is surprised to see Lance. Lance, who catches his quick glance looks as equally as surprised. "What happened?"

Despite knowing that it would be better to tell the truth, Keith mutters "I tripped."

"And landed on your face? That's one hell of a fall. What did you do, trip AND fall down the stairs?" Lance asks, all the while drying his now clean hands. Chuckling to relieve some of the tension, Lance adds, "We've got to stop meeting like this... With you lost or hurt. Seriously, it reminds me of a fairy tale."

Keith can't help but laugh at Lance's words. "You must be a fan of some shitty fairy tales then."

"Lance, hurry up I'm sick of waiting," a voice that sounds like Hunk's shouts from outside of the bathroom.

"You shouldn't keep your friend waiting," Keith says, all the while wiping the last few spots of blood off his face.

"You mean our friend, Keithy boy," Lance responds, with a smirk. "Hunk told me about how you two ended up sharing food. That makes you his friend. And you're my friend too. Only friends help each other find their way home when they become lost under the hot Arizona sun."

"Unfriended," Keith responds, with a smirk of his own. "I can't be friends with someone that calls me 'Keithy boy." Before Lance can respond, Keith throws his paper towel away and walks out of the bathroom. Lance, who is offended by the fact that Keith doesn't appreciate his "cool" nickname is quick to follow him.

"Okay so 'Keithy boy' isn't the best nickname I've ever come up with," Lance admits, as they exit the school. "But I was under a time restriction! I was trying to make you smile. Between the bruising on your face and the frown you look really ugly."

"Nice flirting, casanova" Pidge sarcastically chirps. Pidge, who was lingering on the steps, only joins them after they successfully catch a Sandshrew in their Pokemon Go game. "Are you guys going on the bus or walking home?"

"Bus," Lance and Hunk say in unison, just as Keith says "walking."

"I don't mean to tell you what to do," Hunk says all the while nervously scratching the back of his head, "but you might want to consider taking the bus. It is really hot out and you're wearing all black. If you don't get overheated, you'll at least get a sunburn."

"He's right," Pidge says, with their eyes never leaving their phone screen, "I walked home once and got a nasty sunburn on my forehead... You could really use some sunscreen. I think I have some in my bag." After a brief moment of hesitation, Pidge slips their phone into their pocket so they can take their backpack off and rummage through it.

"Aha!" Pidge exclaims, all the while holding the sunscreen bottle high in the air. "And it is the spray kind too! It looks like you're all set Keith."

"He is but I'm not," Hunk says, with a heavy sigh. "The bus that just left was my bus."

"Aww ma, mine comes before yours so I missed mine too," Lance whines. "This sucks, now I'm going to have to melt with Keith."

"Oh look it's my bus," Pidge says. Upon noticing the sad and disappointed looks on their friends faces, Pidge emits a loud sigh. "Fine I'll walk with you guys, but only if we walk to McDonald's and have our parents pick us up from there. I am not a fan of walking or melting."

"Deal," Lance responds on the behalf of himself, Hunk and Keith. "Now let's get walking. Keith looks like he is melting already."

"I'm not sweating, it's the sunscreen."

"Keep telling yourself that buddy."

/Ayyy sorry for the slow Klance build. There should be more Klance in future chapters.

/ Need more klance while you wait for updates? Check out my other klance fics - "again" and "gays for days"

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