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"So, did you have fun with your friends?" Is Keith's adoptive mother's first questions as soon as he is in her red Kia Soul. Buckling his seat belt, Keith debates whether or not he wants to answer her question... Whether or not that he wants to admit that they are his friends, and that he enjoys their company.

It hurts.... It hurts having her ask the same question every time they move... Having her being disappointed when he fails to make friends or fails to have fun. He wants to make friends and he wants to have fun but how can he do so when he is always the "strange new kid"?

"I guess," is the sorry excuse of an answer that he settles for. At this, she sighs. She always asks the same question, and Keith always gives the same answer. However, he doesn't always get punched in the face on his first day of school. In moments like this, Keith is thankful for his long bangs that hide most of the damage (as long as he keeps his head down).

"Oh is that the boy that walked you home yesterday?" She asks to Keith's horror, just as Lance starts to walk down the sidewalk. "Hey, do you need a ride home?" To this, Keith emits a loud sigh. His mother will stop at NOTHING to make sure he has friends wherever they move to.

"I don't and one would be very appreciated," Lance responds, completely ignoring the various hand signals that Keith is trying to give him. Hell, he doesn't just ignore the hand signals... When Lance sees that Keith is making a shooing motion, he sticks his tongue out at him. Even though Keith just had a bonding moment with Lance and the rest of them in McDonalds, he now has a strong urge to punch Lance in the face.

Keith ESPECIALLY wants to punch Lance when he makes it his goal to get in the car as fast as possible AND to have a conversation with his mother. "How are you today, beautiful?" Correction, Keith wants to punch Lance because he is FLIRTING WITH HIS MOTHER.

Almost immediately, she laughs. Tucking a stray strand of blond her behind her ear, she replies, "Before we get going, please give me an idea of where you live, Casanova."

At the nickname, Lance laughs and Keith groans. He hates this already! Have they all really only been in the car for thirty seconds?

Luckily, Lance senses Keith's annoyance and gives instructions to his house with no further complications.

Well ALMOST no further complications. Just before he gets out of the car, he says, "Keith you might wanna put ice on your face when you get home."

Before Lance can even completely shut the door, Keith's mother asks, "Why would you need to put ice on your face?"

"No reason," is Keith's creative reply. At this, his mother sighs.

"Keith," she says in a soft voice, as they back out of Lance's driveway. "You can tell me anything. The same goes for your father. Talk to us once in awhile. We like to make sure you are okay." With a pause... With a brief moment of hesitation, she adds, "You aren't getting bullied already, are you?"

"No, I fell," Keith lies, all the while gazing out the window. He can never lie while looking at his mother. For good measure, he adds, "I hate it here. It is hot and the school flooring is uneven. I'm either going to melt or crack my head open."

Keith's mother sighs once again. If Keith got a dollar every time his mother sighed he would be rich. With neither of them in the mood to talk to each other further, they ride home in silence.

The silence is painful. It makes Keith all too aware of how him and his parents can never get along.

/Sorry for the short chapter! I felt like if I made it longer it would turn out bad./  

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