Epoch 1

496 34 39

Spring 1941

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Spring 1941

Light tappings coming from Yuuki's office door caused him to avert his gaze towards it and feel confused for he called not any of his students.

"Come in," It took him quite a moment to realize who it will be, but at the very least . . .

"Good Morning Yuuki-san,"

. . . His instinct is correct.

It was a young lady, who seemed to be in her early 20s. Though she wore make-up, it was light and smooth, not disturbing her other facial characteristics and inborn beauty unlike those of a theater actress in their current regimen.

Her strawberry blonde hair was curled and cut short; reaching only the top surface of her shoulders, yet its significant style is how it covered her ears. Her cerulean eyes were in contrast with those of her navy green suit. The sleeves of her upper torso reached up to her wrist, and pale yellow gloves covered both of her hands.

It was unlike any of her disguises, and Yuuki never failed to reckon.

Emilia Castiglioni, Eliana Kryolshi, Izaya Kirami, Sukiyama Akari, Iris . . .

He couldn't help but wonder who she is right now.

Upon entering the room, she proceeded to temporarily taking off her beret hat and nodding her head as a respect—that, since bowing would certainly piss her old man off.

"Did you leave the entrance secure?"

She slowly closed the door, avoiding to cause the possibility to cause any unnecessary noises, for the tapping of her heels already provided suspicious sounds. "Yes sir, not even a trace of being opened . . . by me."


The colonel himself bears the fact that this woman didn't open the door--or even keep the slightest touch with its knob. He knows that fact, but not the actual truth. He will not know how she managed to enter without violently barging inside unless she herself will be the one who will tell him.

After all, he wasn't the one who raised her to become such spy. She belonged to a higher form of dynasty--those who surpassed the colonel in forms of intellect, physique, etc. He only guided her to be her and watch her growth from afar.

"Yuuki-san, there's no need to meditate any further," Tiny chuckles escaped her lips, causing the Colonel to look up and search for the nature of her sudden chortle. "I only happened to get inside because someone opened the door for me."

Such a surprise. A small, impressed smile even made its way towards the colonel's lips, clearly expressing how a witty form of amusement is, little by little, domineering against his stoic emotions.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing your clever tactics to me?" was the colonel's request, which then earned him a sly smile coming from the woman in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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