The Truth About Reality- III

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The drumming of rain hitting the roof was melodic compared to the chaos of the city. The lighting lit the sky and the thunder crashed, disappearing as fast as it came. It's truly amazing, the way the world works, I mean. Abstract, even. How something dangerous, with the potential to kill, to destroy, could be so beautiful, could start a new beginning. It all depends on perspective. If I'm a victim, it might be horrible, maybe for other people it is too, but it can also be great. A fire, for an example. It destroys anything it can, and if you're a victim of a house fire, you probably don't really favour the flames at that moment, but take another look; the crackling of an open campfire, the children laughing, the adults making playful banter, the warmth and happiness. There's two sides to every story. Whether it be people or the weather or even simple coincidence.

Now, back to people. People are, for lack of a better word, weird. They constantly bicker, with other people, with themselves. People don't like drama. Yeah maybe that girl wants to hear the latest gossip about what he said, or who she's dating, or oh he slept with half the cheer squad? She's dating that guy from the office? But when it comes around to real drama, they flee. People don't concern themselves with bigger things, if the bigger things don't involve them. It's all about appearance, the way you act. If you smile a lot and respond to a 'how are you?' With a 'very good, how are you?' People don't question the small things. If you act like you're supposed to act, you smile a lot, you laugh on cue and you're always happy.
Then you're fucking golden.
Because if you don't, then people do what they're supposed to do, what they're trained to do. What society forces them to do.
They act like they care, when in reality, they don't. They don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. And I don't mean that in a bad way, if I did I'd be a hypocrite.
But it's always nice to get away from it all. To not have to worry about anything except yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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