To Be or Not To Be?- I

25 3 1

Dedicated to fabulousrat

Autumn in the city was always incredibly beautiful. The leaves blew across the sidewalk and over my feet as I walked downtown to the café. The bells chimed overhead as I opened the door and one of the few waiters greeted me with the normal hello. I returned the greeting with a smile and a wave and ordered my usual. Coming to this café is part of my normal, boring routine. Wake up, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, coffee, work, home, bed, repeat. Nothing really changed in this part of the city. The same people passed by the window beside the booth in the back corner. It was rare to get tourists in this part. All the sights were scattered around the center.

I finished my coffee and left the money on the table. The bell chimed once again when the door opened. The cold wind blew and I shivered, wrapping my jacket tighter around me. I stopped at a crosswalk and pressed the button to make the light turn green. When the light turned green, I picked up my suitcase, only to drop it again when someone - a woman- bumped into me. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She sayed and scurried away. Her voice was like honey and I'm pretty sure I looked absolutely starstruck. She was beautiful.

Do you believe in love at first sight, because I sure as hell didn't until right now.

She ran ahead of me, across the street. I shake my head, it could never happen. I lift my gaze to try to find her, she runs up to a man at the entrance to a subway tunnel and jumps into his arms. I felt my heart shatter, I was crushed.
They walked hand in hand to the next crosswalk and I stood frozen, watching. She had this big grin on her face and I almost smiled along with her. The light turned green and she dropped the man's hand to grab her bag. She stepped out into the road, still holding a conversation with the man who I wished was me, but the second she did, a large truck drove through the intersection and skidded to a stop.
I watched as the man screamed a name and ran into the street.
I watched as the truck driver hopped out of the front seat and panicked when he saw the limp woman drenched in blood.
I watched as a crowd gathered.
I watched the man punch the truck driver as hard as he could.
A fight ensued.
I turned and left, for it was not meant to be.

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