Chapter 8: Confession

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After Tohru was finish making Akito's lunch, she went back to Akito's room to give him his lunch. When she went inside to give him his lunch, She found him staring outside his window. she placed his food on the ground and looked at him for a while. he was breathtaking.

Tohru's thoughts: oh why Akito? why did you have to be so gorgeous? I don't think I can take anymore.

Then suddenly, Akito caught Tohru staring at him. she blushed really hard as their eyes met. She couldn't look away, neither could Akito. then his thoughts came back.

Akito: why are you staring at me?

Then Tohru's thoughts came back.

Tohru blushing: n-nothing.

Tohru looked at the ground. Akito gave her a look.

Akito: well? get out!!

Tohru walked out the room blushing. looking like a baby tomato. Akito sighed and stared at the ground for a while.

Akito: Tohru.

Meanwhile, Tohru was sitting in her room replaying the moment she and Akito were staring at each other.

Tohru's thoughts: that was a scary moment. I didn't know if we were gonna stop. thank god he said something.

Then Kiki came into the room. she was smiling.

Kiki: hi Tohru.

Tohru: Kiki, you're home. how was it?

Kiki: wonderful. we talked and laughed and went to the park. its like we were kids again.

Tohru: aww, that's sweet.

Then a maid came in.

Maid: Akito would like to see you both.

The maid looked like she just saw a dead body in her room. Tohru and Kiki looked at them worried. when they got in the room, they heard crashes and yelling from his room.


Tohru trembled at the door while Kiki opened it. when they opened the door, they saw a maid on the floor trembling in fear and Akito standing over her. Tohru and Kiki gasped. then Akito saw them and gave a look.

Akito: get out!!

The maid scrabbled to her feet and ran out the room.

Kiki: Akito, what's wrong?! why were you yelling at the other maid?!

Akito grabbed the girls by their shirts. the girls yelped.

Kiki: let us go!!!!

Akito: you untrustworthy bitches!! you two are liars!!

Then he threw Kiki to the ground, while still holding Tohru by the shirt.

Kiki: Akito!! let her go!!!

Akito: you lied to me!! You said she was just doing errands for a friend!!; but you fail to mention that she with Yuki!!!

Tohru: I-I'm sorry. its my fault. I should have told you.

Well, its just love. (Fruits Basket Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now