Him and Her

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that I would love if some people would give me some ideas for the following chapters. Also I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS!!!!!

~~~~~~Rin's POV~~~~~~
I don't know why Maphisto( A/N sorry if I spelled it wrong) told us to come to Magnolia,Fiore. I turned my head to see if Yukio knew anything,but by the look on his face I knew he knew as much as me. Nothing. Then I thought back to what Maphisto said
Flash back
Maphisto called me and Yukio to his office, he wanted for us to go on a mission. We opened the door and the usual weird Maphisto we know was sitting in his chair looking serious. He told us to listen very carefully.

"You two are to retrieve a blonde girl with brown eyes to this academy,do you understand?"Maphisto asked with a stern look.
"Why?" I asked knowing that it was a dumb question,but I had to know why.

"Because she is really important and dangerous" Maphisto said with an alarming tone in his voice

"Alright" me and Yukio said at the same time.
Flash back end

~~~~~~~Lucy's POV~~~~~~~
"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked

"Lucy you're out of the team,you were just a replacement for Lisanna and now that she's back we don't want you anymore" Natsu said

"Ok" I said holding back tears then I ran through the guild doors heading towards the masters office.

"I want to quit the guild" I said with tears running down my face.

"Why my child?" he asked with sadness in his eyes. So I explained everything to him,the fight with Natsu,people ignoring me and that when I come back I will be stronger than anyone else here. He understood and whispers some word on my hand then the guild mark disappeared.

"You will always be a member of our family" he said with tears in his eyes.

Once he stopped crying I went outside and yelled that I quit the guild and that when I come back I will be stronger than anyone in this guild. After my speech I heard Lisanna talking to Natsu saying that I'm crazy and that I couldn't beat her even if I trained for ten years. I got so mad that I ran to my house and packed my stuff. I asked Loke and Virgo if they would pack my stuff in the celestial world. After I packed I started heading to the train. Once I got out the door some kind of animal attacked me and I couldn't call my spirits because the creature knocked them out of my hand. I started screaming when out of nowhere two guys came out,one pulled out a gun while the other pulled out a katana and once he took out the katana he had blue flame surrounding him,a tail,and pointy ears. I was freaking out not because of the creature attacking me but because of the blue flames.

~~~~~~~~Rin's POV~~~~~~~~

Me and Yukio heard a girl scream and ran as fast as we could to the voice. When we got there I pulled out my sword and Yukio pulled out his gun. The girl stared at us looking afraid but not at the monster but at me. Before me and Yukio could do anything the girl jumped up,grabbed some kind of keys that were on the floor and started chanting something. Then some guy with orange hair and cat ears appeared out of no where and started fighting the creature and before we knew it,the creature was defeated. The girl said something and the guy disappeared.

"Are you Lucy Heartfillia(A/N sorry if spelled wrong)?" Yukio asked when the girl turned around.

"Yes,why?" She asked with serious look on her face.

Yay another chapter completed I am really loving this book. Please tell me if you have any ideas since I'm still a newbie :p. Also I don't know who to ship so we will vote.
·Nalu-Natsu and Lucy
·Rincy-Rin and Lucy
·Yulu-Yukio and Lucy

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