Chapter 1 - The trial

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It all began on a small unknown island ruled by the human kind. In this peculiar island known as Moga island lived a boy named Steven who admired the great prestiged hunters. These hunters were skilled and strong but also kind, they would arrive in boats to deliver things such as fishes and herbs. The hunters rarely bringed captured monsters in but as soon as steven saw one he would look amazed at them. He knew about every monster, including their weaknesses and strong points, the lady that gave the missions often helped him study for such things. He would help the blacksmith and learn from him too. The merchandise lady was kind enough to give some tips about combinating healing items like herbs. Steven grew atached to the way of the hunter till the day he was old enough to hunt and with the help of all the people he would finally would be accepted in the world of hunting. That day was the day the chief would finally give him permission to leave the village in order to hunt and protect the village. They held a festivals for the children that would finally would become hunters. The chief standed in an altar and said:

Chief- "You have all been studying and training for this momment, this is the day i will give you hunters permission to leave this village and become high-ranked hunters. But in order to do so you will all go through a trial. In order to follow the way of the hunter you must have the skills to fight your enemy without fear. Each of you will hunt and kill a Great Jaggi."

*people gasp in excitment*

Then steven thinks to himself:
"This isnt good, were just starting and we have to hunt down a Great Jaggi, the chief must be insane....."

Chief- "And dont worry, you will all be supervised and will be given equipment with good quality that will ensure safety and you may also build teams to hunt down the Great Jaggi easily, teamwork is the greates asset of a hunter."

Steven- "Oh....."

Chief- "You are all to be in the arena at 5 in the morning, and no one should be late. The weapons will be of your choosing, but choose wisely. You are all dismissed!"

Steven looked at all the other newbies and they were as scared as he was. He knew tomorrow was going to be a difficult challenge waiting for him and it was not welcoming. The Great Jaggi is a large reptile that devours monsters and humans, however of all the large monsters he is the weakest so it wouldnt be hard taking it down with teamwork. Steven decided to search for an apropiate team that would help him take the Great Jaggi down.

It was pretty early so steven had time to go search for newbies that would team up. There was a solitary newbie managing his equipment so steven went to him and said:

Steven- "Hey ummm youre a newbie right? If you are i was wondering if you could team up with me to complete this trial. So are you in?

Gabriel- "The name is gabriel, and i wouldnt mind joining in. Oh and try not to be a burden okay?

Steven's thoughts- "Geez whats with the attitude......"

Steven- "Great but do you mind telling me youre area of specialty?"

Gabriel- "Im a charge blade user, often use elemental phials if necessary. Might wanna give me distance if you dont want to get hurt."

Stevens thoughts- "A charge blade user?! This is a rare sight! Nobody is that much capable of wielding such tremendous power! This is great!! We got a great asset on our team now!"

Steven- "A charge blade huh? Great weapon when it comes to a great offense and defense."

Gabriel- "I see you know your weapons, i like that."

Steven- "Heh, thanks. Anyways ill see you tomorrow near the blacksmith shop, see you there!"

Gabriel nods silently and gets back to his equipment. Steven decided to look for more newbies that were available. He only found two members more, but that was enough to build his team. Now to introduce the two new members of the team to gabriel. Steven went back to gabriel wich was still there sharpening his huge sword.

Steven- "Hey gabriel! Look i found more members for the team!"

Gabriel- "Good we might might be able to pull this off at this rate."

Steven- "Okay so i found these two, what do you think? I think they make great assets to the team."

Gabriel- "Okay then lets see what they got, ill start with you the girl."

Yaleishka- "The name's yaleishka, im a specialist in long ranged atacks and strategist. I can handle any type of long ranged weapons but i have to be in a really far away distance and someone to protect me. I got blood of a hunter running through my veins, my father was a hunter that died protecting his village from an elder dragon."

Gabriel- "A dark past but a great asset, now to the boy right there"

Jesus- "Im jesus, im specialiced in long swords. I can strike great offense and have sharp reflexes. Ive trained martial arts so this weapon is an esential part of me."

Gabriel- "Nice team forming here, its well balanced and filled with good assets. Were ready for tomorrow."

Jesus & Yaleishka- "Theres only one little problem. *gulps* We forgot our weapons in our islands....."

Steven- "Youve got to be kidding me....."

Gabriel- *sigh* "You can have from my equipment if you like."

Yaleishka- "But didnt the chief said there was going to be free equipment with good quality there?"

Steven- "I wouldnt say "good", the equipment there is fragile and weak, my father told me never to hunt with the chiefs equipment unless i wanted to turn into monster food."

Jesus- "Oh....."

Gabriel- "Its okay guys you can browse in my equipment to see if something catches your eye."

Yaleishka & Jesus- " Thanks gabriel we owe ya!

Gabriel- "yeah yeah whatever just dont take anything too advanced for ya."

Steven takes a peek at the equipment box and sees all kinds of weapons and armors. Something caught stevens atenttion, it was some kind of bone staff with a green stone at one end and a sharp knife in the other end but he decide not to touch it. Then he saw the "Akuchi" a longsword made from the scales of a tetsucabra.

Steven- "Hey jesus here i found a good longsword, its the akuchi, a long sword imitating the eastern methods, its not that sharp but it has a really sturdy blade."

*Jesus stares in amazement*

Jesus- "Wow thank you, how do you know about such weapons?

Steven- "Ive been sticking to my studys. And its all finally going to pay off."

Steven keeps searching in the box for a good rifle that yaleishka can use. Suddenly steven gasps in amazement holding up a weapon.

Steven- "Yaleishka here, you can have Ner Bustergun, its a heavy bowgun made with materials of a nercylla spider, this weapon is wieldy and has devastating shots. This gun is specialized in sleep bullets great for capturing."

Yaleishka- "Yes ive heard of this weapon before, my father used to carry it around with him when he was still a hunter. I will treasure this weapon, thank you....."

Gabriel- "What about you steven? Arent you going to pick anything?

Steven- "Can i?"

Gabriel- "Of course take anything you like"

Steven once again dives into the box in search of an ideal weapon. Steven looks through the box and sees nothing when all of a sudden he stares at the wall and sees a weapon worth using. It was a gunlance named "Full Voltage". Its a weapon made with the powers of a khezu, this weapon has a built in generator that adds a epemental property a bit bulky as a result.

Steven- "I want this one. The full voltage will triumph in the battlefield."

Gabriel- "Good, were all ready to go. Be early tomorrow, be here at the blacksmith shop at 5 of the morning."

Steven- "Allright its getting late ill go to our huts. See ya guys tomorrow."

As steven walks to his hut he sees a huge shadow flying through the dark night. It had a shady look and it was awfully big. Minutes later you hear a roar that seemed like Great Jaggi's roaring in pain. Steven wonders what happened but he would have to wait till tomorrow.

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