The Boyfriend

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Jun felt like a stalker. If that cute, peach-haired college junior knew that he was being watched he’d probably be freaked out as hell.

But it wasn’t Jun’s fault that the boy was so beautiful. His features reminded him of a cat, especially his eyes. Jun wished that he at least knew the boy’s name.

He also wished that he could just go up to him and ask him out but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Jun tried not to glare at the tall, dark-haired male next to his crush.

Why did the cutest guy on campus have to have a boyfriend that looked like he could end you within seconds?

Jun sighed and picked up his bag. The sophomore’s class had started 5 minutes ago but he wanted to sneak a glance at his crush before he went there.

He knew that the peach-haired boy always went to the coffee shop across the street so he sat on one of the big rocks near the campus’ entrance and just watched him cross the street, enter the shop and come back with a paper cup and a content smile on his face.

Sometimes, like today, his boyfriend would come along (much to Jun’s dismay) and he’d watch them laugh and play around together. The tall guy would always put his arm around the peach-haired guy’s shoulder and give him warm smiles that made Jun want to throw up.

He hurried to class which he was already 15 minutes late for. His professors weren’t amused with him for being late so often but he always wanted to make sure that his crush came back to campus safely.

"Junhui-ssi...I would appreciate it if you joined my class on time or not at all", his professor snarled when he busted through the door and mumbled an apology followed by a bow.

Jun took a seat in the back of the room. He wasn’t going to stop watching his crush even if it meant getting scolded.


"Crap", Jun cursed when he felt the wet drops on his face and shoulders. Why didn’t he bring an umbrella today? The rain was getting heavier and he would most likely be drenched before he even reached his bus stop.

"Here...", a soft voice suddenly spoke up and next thing he knew an umbrella was held above Jun’s head. "Thanks, I-" the blonde turned to look at his savior and froze when he was met with sparkly, brown eyes. It was the peach-haired boy!

Jun had never been this close to him before and he was getting a little nervous. "T-thank you", he stuttered. The guy was shorter than him by a few inches which Jun found quite endearing. "No problem. I figured you didn’t bring an umbrella", the guy said. His voice was so soft and angelic; Jun wanted to record it and listen to it every night before he fell asleep.

‘Okay now you’re just acting creepy’

"Do you want to have a cup of coffee with me? I wanted to head to the shop across the street and wait till the rain stops", the guy suggested. Jun’s eyes widened at the other’s request. "W-with me?" he asked just to make sure. He just wished that he would stop stuttering.

The guy laughed, a quiet, cute, little laugh. He covered his mouth with his hand while he laughed. "Yeah, with you. What do you say?"


Of course Jun agreed. He wouldn’t miss out on that opportunity. He went across the street and into the shop with the shorter guy whose name was Jisoo as he found out.

"I come here a lot", Jisoo informed him. "I kno-...I mean...I don’t really drink coffee very often so I don’t...", Jun answered, almost giving himself a way.

Jisoo ordered a vanilla latte and Jun followed, not really interested what he had as long as he could talk to his crush.

He hoped that the rain would never stop and that they’d stay here forever. Jisoo walked over to a table for two by the window and sat down with Jun following.

"What’s your major?" he asked after taking a sip of his latte. "Architecture. And yours?" Jun returned the question. "English", Jisoo said. "I would love to become an elementary school teacher one day...", he continued and looked out of the window.

There were still a few people outside, holding news papers and bags over their heads while trying to get somewhere dry as quickly as possible.

"Do you like kids?" Jun asked. Jisoo looked back at him with a kind of glint in his brown cat eyes, that looked even prettier up close. "I adore them. I grew up with them”, he said with a small smile that made Jun’s heart flutter.

“Sorry. It’s probably boring to listen to me swooning about my dream”, Jisoo apologized. Jun shook his head. “Not at all. I’d like to get to know you…but…”, he paused, not sure if he should really bring the guy’s boyfriend up.

“But what?” Jisoo questioned. “Would your boyfriend be okay if he knew that you’re having coffee with a complete stranger?” the sophomore finally asked. The other furrowed his brows.

“What boyfriend?” he asked, sounding confused. Jun raised his brow. “You know, the tall, muscular one that could rip my head off”, he said matter-of-factly.

He would have expected many reactions from Jisoo; awkwardness, agreement, an ‘oh, I’m sure he doesn’t mind’. But he most certainly wouldn’t have expected him to laugh. It confused him. What was so funny about a scary, jealous boyfriend?

“You mean Seungcheol?” Jisoo asked, still chuckling. “Is that his name…”, Jun replied, trying not to sound bitter. “He’s not my boyfriend, though…”, the junior informed him. Jun looked at him with slightly widened eyes.

“He’s not?” Jisoo shook his head.
“He’s my stepbrother”, he clarified. “Our parents got married when we were both pretty young so we had enough time to grow close. Come to think of it, we often get mistaken as boyfriends…”, he added.

Jun felt stupid. He spent weeks hating the guy for being affectionate and clingy when in reality it was just a thing between brothers?

Jisoo grinned. “Must’ve bothered you a lot…”, he stated. Jun scratched the back of his head embarrassedly. “Well…yeah. I mean…” “It’s okay. I noticed you a few times”, Jisoo told him. The sophomore felt himself blush.

“You probably thought I was a weird stalker or something…”, he mumbled. Jisoo laughed his angelic laugh again. “No. I actually thought you were kinda cute”, he said honestly.

“Seungcheol kept pushing me to ask you out but I never had the courage. Until today, that is…”, Jisoo admitted and Jun thought he saw a blush on the other’s face. He grinned at Jisoo.
“In that case I’m glad I didn’t bring an umbrella today…”, he said. “So am I. Very much so…”

The Boyfriend [JunShua]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora