chapter 2

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Chapter 2~

(Y/n) p.o.v

We arrived in front of the apartment building and walked in side .

"This way (y/n)." Genos said while taking my hand and leading me to saitama .

'*he has my hand ! What do I do ?!...I-i kind of like it , but this is onii-chans friend I'm sure it will be weird if I date genos -wait did I just think that ! Oh no this is going to be akword*'

"(Y/n)  we are here " genos said opening the apartment door still holding my hand

"N-no w-wait!"I said but it was too late the door was opened and we were still holding hands.

"..."saitama said nothing but stood there with a blank expression!

I let go of genos and run to saitama
"Onii-chan!!!!" I yelled giving him a big hug because I haven't seen him since my last birthday.

"(Y/n)!!" Saitama  said giving me a big smile. "I see you've met genos.!" He said with a smirk.

"! Yeah " I say trying to hide the incoming blush on my face.

"Master since (y/n) is your sister, Does that mean she has similar strength to you?!"genos said

"Yah in fact (y/n) is really (h/n)!" Saitama said with a smile.

" uh..! Y-your (H/N)!!!!" Genos said not believing who you where."but how I thought that (h/n) died in a battle against a allian !!"genos questioned

"Nope I killed the allian then left very quickly.!so I can ..." I said trailing off trying not to cry.

"Well I have your room set up ! " saitama said trying to lighten the mood.

" OK !"I said in a cheerful tone as I lifted my suit case and followed saitama.

"I'll be watching t.v if you need me , and genos is cooking dinner" saitama said and left .

I sat down on my new bed and it was in (f/c) !

"I think this will be fun staying with saitama and genos " I say about to my self.

After Un packing almost everything I found something that my mother gave me !

Flash back ~

"(Y/n) !, can you come here please." My mom calls me to her room.

"Yes ma'm ?"I say sitting at a desk beside her bed .

"You know I'm getting sicker and siker by the minute , and I have a horrible feeling  that something bad is going to happen soon.

"...." was all I could say

"I want you to know I love you, your baby sister , and your big brother , here" she said and gave me a Lockett .

"Mama !" I gasped and gave her a hug

"Now your brother and sister have there's all ready but yours is  special only for ypu!" My mom said poking my nose .

End of flash back~

I can feel wet warmth Ness strolling down my face, and then a pair of warm arms around me.

"Huh..?"I say wiping the tears off my face and widening my eyes to see genos? Holding me .

"Are you ok " he whispers softly and pulls away so I can see his face .

" yah I'm fine "I said with a sniff and a smile.

"Do you want to talk about it ?"genos said with worry in his eyes .

"No I'm fine, hey ! What's for dinner ! " I ask changing the subject .

" I'm making (f/f) " genos said

" oh well its burning " I say with a smile, genos sniffs and runs off as I giggle and finish Un packing

______________time skip_______________

"ah!" I say as I finish putting the last thing from the bottom of my suit case, and I remember how comfortable it was with genos .

'* did he really care when I was crying ?!, did he feel the warmth between us , do I have a crush on him!*'

"Hey (y/n) , foods ready !" Saitama said then waked to the kitchen, I got up and walked to the table and sat between saitama and genos .

"Yummm!, genos this is very good ! " I say stuffing my mouth with more (f/f).


Welp this is another chapter to this book hope you like it!

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As always stay safe

A Battle For Her Heart (Genos X reader X sonic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora