Time to serve

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It's taken way to long to think of something so all of this is off the top of my head so :/ hope you enjoy

1 year after my first training day

I'm here I finally did it I have my berray on perfectly and my uniform is spotless, I'm finally becoming a soldier like my dad, I kept telling myself this. As the sergent asked us all to bow our heads in silence.
There was a long haunting silence like a desert plain filled with nothing, then he order us to stand at attention and about face (this means stand straight and then around) he was about to tell us to salute and match but no longer as recruits we would walk as soldiers prepared for the Germans, "FORWARD MARCH" the sergent screamed and like a efficient machine evenyone moved in harmony.

Before we where sent if to fight the Germans we could stay in our city till needed so I had a chance to relax and talk to my friends and family. However after a week the telephone in my house rang and it was the army they were sending trucks to pick us up "We need you men" those were the last words the person said in the phone before they hung up. I felt a sudden rush of determination like a bonfire burning bright, they said the trucks would be there later today so I got in my uniform and got ready, I told my family I was being called out my father said "make me proud" and my mother huged me close, my sister who is older than me started crying straight away I told her not to worry cause I'll come back to call her the middle child (cause although she is older I'm taller and with a little brother we call her the middle child) When I told my friends however they wished me the best of luck most of the boys were going to the same place so I would know them. Before the trucks were even near the city I had to see some of the closest friends of mine this included, Kana who I'd known for ages we had shared some of the best times together when she found out I was being called of she cried and huged me, I told her not to worry I'll write back as 3 times a week and fight to defend her and the country what ever it took, before I could leave another friend busted into Kana's house with such force and urgency I knew it was Lucy , Kana's closest friend and one of mine she had heard that we were been called when she saw me standing with Kana she smiled, we all knew that we may never all be in the same room again so with Kana still holding me we sat down and told a few jokes to lighten the mood I couldn't leave them crying. After a few minutes we were all smiling and joking...then a horn blared outside several times attracting everyone, the trucks had arrived.

I stood up and opened the door but before I left I gave them both a bit hung "I'll be back soon" I said with a confident smile but in the back of my head im memorizing Kana's long hair and bright eyes while glancing at Lucy's cherry lips and smile that is ear-to-ear. With that I left starting to feel the importance of my role, a defender of thousands of people a shield to my country, so as a walked to the truck my head began to fill with thoughts of doubt and fear, what if I can't beat them will my friends die and these thoughts made me feel nervous should I run away. "ADAM" a reasuring voice cried out from behind me it was Kana running to me with her eyes full of tears she handed me a piece of string with a long curved metal tooth on she said "take this and don't forget about us" I grabbed the tooth tightly and but it around my neck " I promise I said" before I jumped on the back of the truck with everyone else and waved goodbye as the engine rumbed to life and drove us away the last thing I remeber in the city was the civilians in the street waving us good luck and goodbye. And Kana standing there with Lucy behind he waving me away...I waved back.

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