Caught Up in the Storm

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The 5 Spot was jumping that night. I mean if we thought business had picked up before, it had doubled seemingly overnight. There were people everywhere! It was so packed that folks partied in the parking lot.

Big Al and the Boogie Boys were jamming it up and folks were getting down. In the middle of all the chaos, was Mr J seated at a table in the middle of the barroom floor, surrounded by admirers and wanna be hangers-on. And through all those people who wanted to be as close to him as possible, right by his side, on top of his lap was who it should've always been, Mrs J.

She was right there, sitting on her man, with her arm around him sitting comfy and he looked to be in heaven. This was the first time she'd been back to the club in a long time and the folks and admirers welcomed her and were smitten by her.

They crowded at our table, offering and asking permission to buy her drinks. They praised her beauty and smiled adoringly in both of their faces, butt kissing to the max! And it didn't help that she looked stunning. This was the sexiest I think I'd ever seen her up to that point.

She had on a black and red rose patterned dress, that I was shocked he didn't scold her for because it had too much black in it, and it hugged her everywhere. I mean everywhere! She had hips and ass for days! And she had on these shiny red spiked heels that I didn't even think they made for dames. Her hair was swept to the side in a sexy long curl that hid half of her face, giving her a hint of mystery that only added to her sex appeal. She had definitely lived up to her Dark Vixen title that night. I was as taken away as everyone else at that table.

Obviously Mr J was taken away as well because he was all over her. Nuzzling her neck, kissing her, stroking her, loving her the way he'd always done but seemingly on a higher level. He couldn't keep his hands or eyes off of her. She was like his cherished trophy.

But I'd say I was a bit confused yet a little happy that she was there. I mean the night before, she'd just witnessed her husband cheating on her and here she was right by his side like a faithful puppy. She hadn't let his awful infidelity stop her from being with her man and that gave me faith and hope in love again. It showed me that no matter what obstacles come your way, love will win out.

I mean it was truly inspiring. This resilient woman just found out that her man was two timing her and here they were loving up on each other. And it had been like that all day long. All day long they were on good terms. I'd even say great terms. 

Mr J had woke up extra early that morning to start the move over to the T-house. He even attempted to cook her and everybody breakfast to get the day started. While we moved all of our stuff over to the house, he was being very playful with us and extra flirty with Mrs J. Though I did notice she was more quiet and less playful than usual, she seemed to appreciate his affection. He just seemed anxious in pleasing her and wanting her to relax and get comfortable in the new spot. And I watched them in awe thinking, Yes! He does love his wife after all. Maybe it was just a mistake what he did with Bellene. Maybe he just fell into the trap? It happens to men all the time right? I mean Bellene was very alluring and pretty, she could be easy to fall for. I should know. I thought, Maybe he just made one big mistake and learned from it. I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I think we all gave him the benefit of the doubt because no one had mentioned what we knew from the night before. No one let him know that we knew about his affair with Bellene or that Mrs J knew. It wasn't our business to tell. But either way it didn't seem to matter. Those two were loving up on each other again, in front of the crowd, and it was beautiful to see.

But Bellene on the other hand was none too pleased. She sat at the table and watched as Mr J pawed all over his woman and I loved every minute of it. Seeing the anger on her face made me happy. She deserved to get treated this way. She should've known that nothing was ever going to get between the king and queen, not even her kitty.

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