Chapter 15: The meeting.

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His POV.

Alhamdulillah my uncle was proved innocent after 6 months being in EFCC custody. The high court took on his case and Alhamdulillah the judge found him to be innocent. Baba was present in the hearing however myself and Ya Isa just couldn't bear to see him in that state.
That day, the two of us sat down int the parlor waiting to hear from Baba. When we heard his car honk, we rushed outside eagerly. He came out of his car expressionlessly and that alarmed us. We stood their helplessly as he walked past us into the living room. Once inside he did a sujood and without telling us to, so did we. We kept chanting Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akhbar, it was a memorable moment.

The ending of that problem made one other problem enhanced.

You see Hikmah is true to her word. When she promises not do something, she will never do that thing! She told me she would never talk about Nura ever again, she meant it.
Not one word!
Not a single one!
At first that did not bother me because I was facing something else. But my uncle's ordeal taught me a lesson:
Things happen without any warning.
That frightened me a great deal, but it also made me courageous. I decided that it was time for me to man up.
I was done having Hikmah do my job for me, I was done being an insecure immature person, I was done being weak. I really really liked Nura and I could no longer stay put, I had to act. I had to act fast.

That decision led me to pay someone a visit.

The following morning I called Nur.
I reached their house as fast as I could. I knocked the door and he opened the door himself, while he smiled jovially mine was nervously.
"Life can be good. I get a chauffeur for a day without even asking." He said teasingly.
I managed to smile.
"I hope you have enough fuel because Chiranchi isn't exactly close by."
I nodded.
He gave me a smile once more.
I was calming myself and collecting myself again and again. What I was about to do was not easy and it may not end well.

"What is wrong? You are too quiet." Nur stated calmly.
I gulped. I had not plan to say anything so soon.
'What should I say? What should I say now?' I began panicking.

"Suleiman?" He called my name, worried.

'Get a grip! Calm down!' I commanded myself.

"Nur." I said my voice hoarse. "I want to tell you something and you will not like it."
My hands were so sweaty that I hard to tightened my grip on the wheel.
"I am listening." He said calmly, too calmly.
I inhaled heavily. I found a parking lot and stepped on the brakes. Nur looked confused for he couldn't fathom my actions. He opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.
"Please, allow me to speak." I managed to say.

'Don't tell him! Think about what this will do to your friendship!' A voice in my head tried to reason.
'Tell him! You have come so far don't cower away!' Another voice commanded.

"Suleiman calm down. What ever it is you can tell me and we'll laugh it off." He said soothingly.
"Not this Nur. I really need to tell you but I am afraid of this will do to our friendship." I proclaimed.
He said nothing but smiled reassuringly.
"Nur. I am interested in your sister." I said with confidence.
To date I don't know where the confidence came from.

His face changed from a smile to one that of an expression I could not decipher. He turned his head away from from me and started staring at the windscreen. He then reached for the seatbelt buckle and freed himself. He spared me a glance, his jaw and fist clenched but his face still unreadable.

'He wants to fight me? Is that a no then?' I thought as I braced myself.

But instead of attacking me, he opened the car door and left the car leaving me planted to my seat, watching him cautiously. He stood outside with his hands resting on the car door. I was contemplating going outside myself when he came back inside. He put on his seatbelt and remained mute. I also remained quiet. The silence was killing me so I started the engines and the car started moving. Before long he spoke.
"You know I wanted to punch you at that moment. But then I couldn't find any reason that would justify that. So I didn't."
He declared and then remained quiet, quiet and expressionless.

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