Chapter 29: Mine 2

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His POV.

I thought my life had gone crazy but I came to understand what the word 'crazy' actually meant as the wedding neared and I was yet to get a house. That one information alarmed, irritated and angered whoever learnt of it; especially my uncles. Let me clarify one more thing I have learned, people LOVE to nibble at your faults but are quick to stammering and running away from you when you own up to said mistakes and ask them for a solution.

The most common deception I heard during that dilemma was 'Now is too late, had you told me earlier I would have helped you one way or another. But now my hands are tied. ' And then they would almost instantly quit with their bickering because what's the fun in harassing someone that has own up to his mistakes?

I prayed fervently for a way out of the problem. For Allah's sake we had furniture but not a house, what does that say about me?

Eventually, word reached Baba's ears and he gave me a rather unexpected visit.
I was in my workplace; fatigued, confused and having a persistent headache. Whilst seated on a bed in the call room, I received a call. It was Baba.

"Salamu Alaikum. Baba good evening! " I greeted him.

"Alaikassalam. Yawwa! Suleiman where are you? " He quickly asked.

"I am at the hospital... I hope all is well? " I asked, feeling anxious.

"Alhamdulillah. I mean where exactly in the hospital are you? " He rephrased his question.

"I am at the.... Baba are you in the hospital right now? " I asked instead.

"Yes I am. And I want to come see you. " He replied.

"Toh... Baba you are well? Everyone is ok? " I reiterated.

He began to laugh.

"You doctors are just too pessimistic. Or has it been decreed that a father must not visit his doctor unless he is sick? " He teased.

"Sorry! I was just making sure. Is anyone on admission? " I asked once more.

"KA GA! If you won't tell me where you are I will be on my way. I did not come to be interrogated."

"Sorry! I am sorry Baba. No more questions. But how about I come see you. You may find it difficult to pinpoint where I am at. " I pleaded.

"Fine! Fair enough. I am at E&I. " He replied.

"Where?! " I asked confused.

"E&I mana. That place that is always crowded. "

"Baba I have no idea where that is gaskia. Any other landmarks? " I questioned.

"Uhmm.. Let's see... Oh! There is a yellow canteen over here. And I see a photocopying machine, if that is of help. And there is an open praying area within the vicinity. I didn't come with my glasses but I can see pediatric emergency or something written on an adjacent building. Boy! Are you listening or have I just wasted my time? "

"I am listening." I spoke as I snickered. "Baba it is A&E. " I said and burst into laughter.

"Ohh!" He exclaimed and chuckled. "At least I got the 'E' right. " He defended himself.

"Definitely! " I replied. "I will be there in less than 3 minutes. " I spoke.

"Ok then. Bissalam. " Baba replied and ended the call.

Soon enough I emerged from one of the many shortcuts and stood at the entrance of the building. I began searching for Baba in the crowdy place whilst dialing his number. I felt a hand on my left shoulder, it was Baba with an unexpected wink. I greeted him briskly because he all but pulled me towards his car.

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