The Bookstore On Main

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Soooo hey everyone. This is just kind of a little something I've been thinking of putting into words for a while. However, this story and these words are mine, and mine alone. I know I won't have many readers, if any, but if you do end up keeping up with my scribble of a story and you happen to notice someone using my story/characters/plot/ blah blah please tell me. I might not be very good but my writing is important to me as a lot of it comes from reality. With that, any names, places or happenins are all fictional soooo yea. Please vote if it sounds like something you'd like to keep reading and leave any comments or ideas you might have about it! I could use them, I often find myself with writers block. ^-^ I hope its okay...also please ignore any grammar mistakes, it's 1 in the morning and I'm writing this on my phone which has a tiny keyboard. On that note, here's the first part to my story. I hope you guys enjoy...

- Coco


You know that feeling you get when you find someplace that feels like home? It might not be your house, or somewhere fancy - it could even be your grandma's kitchen while she makes dinner or at a campfire surrounded by family... but whenever you're there you get this warm, comfortable feeling like you're safe and you belong? Almost like nothing could touch you or hurt you as long as you were at that place?Well, after years of feeling like I didn't belong, I had finally found it.

The bookstore on Main.

I'd been looking for a part time job to fill my empty weekdays and weekends when I got a call back from the book store that sat on the corner of the big but familiar downtown of our city. To outsiders, it would look like just an ordinary bookstore...but to me, it was home. It was a place where I could let my worries and stress float away, replaced by shelving books and fictional characters.
I had always had a strong liking for books...Ever since I was a little girl I'd get lost in the made up worlds, wishing they could be my own - only to be thrown into this hellhole we call society. I mean, I didn't have it that bad, many people have it much, much worse but I just wasn't happy. I grew up with my parents being divorced while I was tossed into an abyss of court dates and screaming matches - all over me. The only good thing that came out of all that was my cat, Tulo (short for Tulowitzky). After the custody battle, I got to keep her.

Anyways, sorry. I'm getting off track here. Back to the bookstore. My story is kind of boring and I'm not quite sure where to start so I guess I'll just go with my name and a quick overview of my very exciting life. Note the sarcasm.

I'm Ramona Winters . It's been over a year since I started working at the shop, and 2 months since I started my senior year.  I don't really have the rest of my life figured out yet, I mean all I know is that reading is my passion and drawing is my talent so where to go from there? My parents wanted me to become something more sophisticated like a lawyer or a doctor but quite frankly I can't get into an argument without swearing like a trucker and wanting to punch someone in the face. Plus blood just freaks me out.

Cross those two off the list.

Anyways, my days were quite normal. I lived with my mother full time, but she was hardly ever home as she was often away on business trips and while I certainly had a few really close friends, I was often at the bookstore either working or spending a free day reading my latest find in the oh-so-comfy bean bag chairs sitting in the far corner of the shop (when I wasn't at school). School was pretty much the same; quiet and uneventful. My classes this semester weren't that hard as I only had art, math 30, social studies 30 and a spare. I spent my lunch periods at the same table with the same friends every day in the cafeteria and I loved it. It was also a place where I didn't necessarily feel at home (school is anything but a place that feels like home), but I felt safe.
Once school was done I'd either head home or to the bookstore for a shift depending on the day. When I came home, my parents (mother and step father) were rarely there. After my parents got divorced, my mother got custody of me and my father left to pursue his career somewhere far away. Guess thats why I only see him every once in a while, that or he's just too busy with his girlfriend to see his kid. Anywho, my mother remarried a man who liked her but he also had a job that often took him away from home. I didn't really mind being the only one in the house, besides Tulo. I mean I got the whole house to myself which was great; on most days. But that didn't stop the lonely feeling from creeping in now and again... Thats when I'd head to the shop, even if I wasn't working. Like I said it just felt like home. It was often the same people that came in and usually it wasn't very busy or exciting.

Until he came along. Until that boy stumbled into the bookstore, my life was calm. It was uniform and it was filled with routines that came crashing down when he came barreling into my life. Part of me cursed him for ruining my quiet life but I know I wouldn't change it for the world.

My name's Mona and this is the story of how my life became entangled with that of a boy named Eli.

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