Aggressive Book Hunting

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Again, I know it sucks right now, but my writing will get better the longer I do this story :) I hope those very, very few people who are reading this enjoy it. Thanks ^-^


I'd definitely say my 5 second eye convo with Elijah was the most interesting part of my weekend. I had to work Saturday night and Sunday morning which kind of sucked but wasn't out of the ordinary. The first few days of the week weren't anymore exciting to say the least. I'd caught his gaze in the halls a few times, but they weren't... friendly gazes...

I don't know what had happened to him or why he was like that but watching him, subtly (just quick glances in the classes we had together, which were math and social) he always seemed to be indifferent. If he was with his friends who were joking and laughing around him, he'd give this fake kind of smile, like he didn't want anyone to know he was upset.

Honestly I don't think anyone else noticed but I did. I could see the anger and loneliness behind his eyes so easily...probably because I was the same.

Anyways, when I would manage to catch his eye, (not purposefully might I add, sometimes they just seemed to find me) he would give me this look. Almost like a glare but not as aggressive as a glare. Everytime I'd feel his eyes on me it would send a shiver down my spine and like he knew, his mouth would form into the smirk that seemed ever present on his lips.

That's how the rest of the week passed by; me stealing glances, him smirking, Jay noticing and giving me disappointed, sad looks and then turning away like I'd done something wrong. I don't understand what his problem was; he of all people should know not to listen to what people say from experience, after all he's still friends with me.

It wasn't until Thursday after school that Jay and Seph confronted me about it. Standing at my locker trying to get my stuff, I heard heavy footfalls heading towards me. Looking over, I spotted Jay and Seph, both sporting the same, disappointed expression.

Fuck that's getting annoying.

"Rams, we need to talk. I know you know I've seen the way he looks at you and don't think I miss the way you blush and look away either. This needs to stop, I don't want you getting hurt again..." I could already feel my frustration building towards Jay, meanwhile Seph just kind of awkwardly rocked back and forth on his heels looking anywhere besides me.

"And what makes you so sure I'm going to get hurt? We haven't even had a real conversation or physically interacted. So what if he looks at me?"

"I told you before Ramona, the guy's bad news. He's only been here less than 2 weeks and he's already caused a shit-ton of trouble. You've heard the talk around school haven't you??"

"So what if I have Jay! What about me huh? When that asshole Kevin tried to sleep with me despite me saying no repeatedly and I slapped him because he wouldn't...stop touching me everywhere. Remember the way it all happened guys? When I came into school the next day and him and his sidekicks fucking spray painted the word "whore" on my locker and told the whole school that I flung myself at him and when he wouldn't put out I punched him? I still have Britney and her minions harassing me and calling me names for trying to steal her "man". You knew he wasn't telling the truth and you guys stuck around. Why shouldn't we do the same thing for the new guy? Maybe he is angry and starting trouble but you don't know the whole story, it's high school gossip - you can never take it all in as complete truth. I for one, am not going to be one of the assholes that does that to someone when it's been done to me. So I appreciate your concern Jay but I took care of myself the first time, I can do it again. Besides, I've got a mean right hook, remember?" Tossing them a wink, I  pulled the twins in for a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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