Aliens Are Real - Just Ask Mrs.Walters

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Here you guys go, I know it's not the best for right now, but i'm going to be editing everything once i start getting further along. If there are some plot holes or incomsistencies, please just pardon my terrible writing, my head is a jumbled up mess and its hard to keep everything sorted. I hope you enjoy reading it even though probably literally no one will 😂😂 the picture is Jude and Jay, the twins.

Mondays weren't very busy at any store - especially a book store; so I wasn't really surprised when only a few customers came in. It was already 8:30 pm and all I had left to do was finish shelving some of the books that came in with today's order. Today's bounty brought a few fantasy and science fiction novels. Every day there was usually a few small boxes of whatever books we needed to top up our stock delivered to the store every morning before we opened. I've been working at The Bookstore On Main for over a year now; since Eleventh Grade.
Now I'm in my senior year and I'm working full time. My classes don't take up much of my time, seeing as how I'm fairly good at most of them - especially art. I've always been good at art but frankly, I enjoy reading more. Art is more of an outlet, and though I haven't made it as a big time artist yet, the owners let me put my art up on the walls. It usually brings in a couple hundred every now and then so that's fun.

You know what's not fun? Shelving books. I mean I love working here and the people that come in are usually amazing, but lets face it. Restocking over 300 shelves isn't exactly my idea of a fun time.
No biggie though.
I'm only here till 10 anyways and we close in like, an hour.

As I was putting away my last couple books, Mrs. Walters (my favorite alien conspiracy theorist/old lady) walked to the counter with her usual smile on her face and a new book in her hands. I put the book I was holding down and went to the register to ring the book through.

"Find a new book to read Mrs. Walters?"

"Oh yes Dear, I've had my eye on this one for a while now but was too scared to get it. I guess when you get old you become afraid to enjoy the things you did in your youth. Like science fiction. Gotta love them aliens".

Laughing, I handed her the bag with the receipt, "well I'm sure its a wonderful story - you have a good evening Mrs. Walters".

She was almost out the door when I called out with a wink, "Oh and Mrs. Walters? You don't look a day over 35".


That was my last customer. Time to lock up and clock out.
I locked the door and started tidying up the shop, including taking out the garbages and refilling the tea packages and such. Once I was finished I grabbed a book I had taken an interest to and rang it through the cash register. Putting it in my bag and grabbing my jacket and scarf, I shut off the lights and made my way out the back door.

I would take my car but unfortunately it was currently in the shop getting fixed up. There was a part that was recalled so they had to fix it. Apparently it would take about a week or so, so for now I was walking home.


Half hour walk at night here I come.

Usually walking home didn't scare me, but I just so happened to read a couple chapters of a book about a serial killer on one of my breaks and the shadows that seemed to come from everywhere weren't helping.

By the time I got home, it was around 10:30 and like usual, no one was home. My house was fairly big, with lots of windows (which did nothing to help the ominous feeling) and 5 bedrooms. My parents had the master bedroom down the hall from my slightly, but not much smaller bedroom. I have my own bathroom and walk in closet. My mother often tred to fill it with girl things, but her schemes never worked. I liked dark colors and skinny jeans not pink and frilly dresses. The kitchen was massive which was a plus, I absolutely adored baking and it's where I spent a lot of time when I was at home, besides my little rose garden. My rose garden wasn't very big, it was inside a little gazebo type thing, and there were pink, red and white rose bushes (though white ones were my favorite). It was the one thing I got to request when we bought this house, I even built it myself - I took woodshop in school plus, you know, gotta love YouTube. There's also a big deck in the back for when my parents have staff BBQ's and a pool.

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