A/N Hi guys, so this is my first proper book! All the facts and stuff in this book won't be right cos otherwise it just wouldn't work so just deal with thattt. Remember to vote and comment if you want to. I hope you like it, sorry if it's rubbish and also if I barely ever update, enjoyyy! (Hopefully haha) xx

Kayla's POV
4.49 am
Why was I still awake... it's was only a few hours before I had to get up for school. I knew I was going to regret staying up this late but I couldn't help it, I could barely remember the last time I got a proper nights sleep. If had to be at least months. Internally groaning I rolled over and tried to get to sleep.

I woke up with a start feeling groggy and tired. The alarm was still going off before I managed to use all the energy I had to sit up and stop it. 'Ugh, another day of hell, or more commonly referred to as school.' I thought to myself. Despite my discomfort I gathered all I had inside me and got ready for school to look slightly less like a naked mole rat and more vaguely human.

I covered up my bags for life under my eyes, put on a grey band tee, leather jacket and back skinny jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed I looked like a female version of my best friend Calum. But then again maybe he just looked like a male version of me.

I walked to school with Ashton, he was one of my close friends.
"Hey Kayla", said Ash, "how are you?"
" I'm alright I suppose, a bit tired but that doesn't make a change."
"How are you and Cal?" He was trying to get it out of me that I liked him, I mean I did but I couldn't tell him that I knew he didn't feel the same way... "Good, as best friends,"
"Really... because he definitely likes you,"
"Has he told you that?"
"No but," I butt in before he finishes his sentence. "Exactly, c'mon Ash we've been best friends for how long? Nothing's going to change now is it. Anyway how are things with Leah?" I see a little smirk on his face and nudge him, "she really likes you, she won't shut up about you... ever"
"Really?!, I mean cool, cool. Things are going well at the moment but I don't want to rush things." I laughed inwardly Ashton was just as crazy about Leah as she was about him. Leah was one of closest friends, her and Ashton and been together for a few weeks now, they were adorable, crazy and just goals really together. "Don't hurt her though remember, I will come and murder in your sleep we live 2 minutes away from each other remember!"
"Don't worry I would never!"

Right at that moment Calum jumps up behind me and shouts "RAAARRGGGHHH" I jump out of my skin and scream "Oh my god Calum I fucking hate you" whilst pretend punching him. Cal and Ashton are in hysterics by the time Luke and Micheal come over and ask what's happening.

Me ash and cal are all laughing by now but I manage to calm down and smirk "You and Maya seems to be happening after some of the texts I've been getting from her about you two." I say to Luke, he blushes and we all go tease him for a bit while he tells us all how much he hates us and how we should all die.

Then maya finally arrives while more fun is poked out of her, I swear all our friendships are half supportive kind and generous and half just being mean.

Me and Maya say goodbye as we walk to form together, "where's Leah?" I ask, and Maya says she has a dentist appointment so she won't be in till later then we start talking about her and Luke. "So you and Luke?" I say nudging her, she blushes just how Luke did, "Yeah, I don't really even know how it happened but I'm so happy,"
"I can tell by all the screenshots you spammed me with over the weekend."
"Oh shut up" she laughed as we walked into form.

I had R.E first, surprisingly I didn't mind it, mainly because I sat next Micheal into it. We didn't actually do anything during the lesson we just talked for an hour. (We had both decided during the lesson that we didn't care and we were going to fail it even if our parents kill us).

"Hey Mikey" I said, "Hi Kayla, ready to fail together"
"Yup, 100%"  We talked about how we are just going to eat Vegemite and retire after school even if we had to live on benefits. Then we started talking about Taylor, "Maybe she just wants some space Micheal?"
"I dunno I'm just hoping it'll get better we used to be so close I don't know what's happened, I'm closer to you and even Maya and Leah than her at the moment."
"Aw don't worry you know what's she like, she wants you really. You know I'm always here for you right?"
"Yeah thanks Kayla, your the best Cal's lucky to have you as a best friend"
"Haha, thanks" then we realised everyone was packing up and rushed as fast as we could to get ready to leave.

I groaned inwardly I had English next to Claudia and Eve for and hour. I slumped my bag down as tried to hide in my hair before they tried to talk to me. I dreaded English every week. The only thing that cheered me up the whole lesson was when I checked my phone and saw a message from Calum saying he hoped English was alright and he wasn't having much more fun next to Connor.

The end of the lesson finally came to an end I managed to only get a few snide remarks but I just ignored them for once. But once we were outside thats when it really got bad. "Your such a freak Kayla, you can't even wear normal clothes,"
"What's up with your face as well it's disgusting."
"I can't believe I have to sit next to a weirdo like you"
"How do you have any friends at all?"

I tried as hard as I could to just ignore them but I could feel the tears burning in my eyes. I ran as fast as possible before slowly sinking into a ball as small as I could by an abandoned wall. Tears were streaming out by now why did I let them get to me? Why was I weird enough to pick on? Was I really such a freak...?

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