Kayla's POV

BLEEP BLEEP, BLEEP BLEEP, BLEEP BL... I turned off my alarm, well I say turn off. I thrashed my hand around in the general area until it shut up. I groaned, I did not want to go into school today so i did the first thing i always do when I'm upset; text Calum.

Calum's POV 

'Ping', my phone went off. It was a text from Kayla 'Rly don't wanna go into skl today :( Kx'  I hated Eve and Claudia so fucking much, what was even worse is that Kay actually believed them. It made me feel sick to think such horrible people were making the sweetest, cutest and funniest girl I've ever known feel so down. I quickly texted her back, 'Don't let them get  to u, ur worth more than that xo'

As I walked into school I see Kayla and Mikey so I walked over and joined them "hey guys," I said,"How are you?"  I said specifically looking at Kayla who said "good" nodded her head a gave me a little smile. Jeez, she was adorable. I just couldn't  see her as just my best friend. Micheal interrupted from my little daze by groaning "Well I'm totally shit... i haven't done my geography assessment and Mr Kaner is going to fucking murder me!"

"Same" I whined, "Ha ha, I know from BOTH of your panicked snapchats saying you were going to be murdered."

 "We are, especially since my Mum said I could't another after school detention." Micheal groaned. "Oh my god I'm actually fucked"I said.

 "Are you now?" asked Kayla in her 'I'm a dirty minded little freak' voice. "Oh shut up," i said whilst shoving her, "AAAAGGGHHHH" she screamed, falling over onto the floor. Me and Mikey burst out laughing and I started to tickle her. She squirmed and squealed. "I HATE YOU BOTH!" she shouted whilst screeching with laughter. "Oh my god we're evil Cal," laughed Michael.

"You are!" said Kayla, crossing her arms. "Oh I totally forgot, I need to talk to Taylor." said Mikey

 "okay cool, see ya later Mikey,"

 "yeah bye, see you in geography" I called to him. 

"So Kayla...seriously how are you actually?" I questioned. "Well I mean I've been better but I'm always good as long as I have my Cal-Pal,"

 "God how are you so fucking strong Kay?" I asked pulling her into bear hug. "Well I guess you help a little a bit,"she joked, "but what about you, how are you doing?" 

 "I'm fine, I mean I'm pissed at Claudia an Eve but that really doesn't really make a change,"

 "Ha ha same, twinningggg." she joked as the bell went. "If your annoyed why don't try and do something Kay?"

"Like what, tell someone? When both of them are golden angels.Who are the teachers going to believe the enthusiastic confident girls who aren't afraid of anything or me, the person in English who barely makes a squeak. The teachers barely even notice I'm there. They may both be shitty little bitches but they aren't total idiots Calum."

"Yeah but we must be able to do something," 

"Honestly Cal, don't worry. It's probably just me over reacting anyway. Tell me how you get on in Geography at break," she gave me a quick hug and went into registration before I could even try and stop her. I sighed, I walked to my form room. She wasn't over reacting, she was just too scared to face Eve and Claudia. It was so fucked up!

"So your not that dead?" said Ash as we walked to English, "Surprisingly alive actually, my 'WiFi is broken and I'm getting it fixed tomorrow' and Mikey's printer 'ran out of ink but his Mum's getting some today' so we have to hand it in by Monday after having being shouted at for being unorganized but no detention so I'm happy with that."

"Wow, that isn't actually too bad for Mr Kaner," Ashton sounded quite impressed, "A couple of years ago when I actually did my assessment he gave me an after school, at least i did mine!"

"Yes but how shit was it?" I laughed, "Shhh, that's not the point." he said as he walked to his seat." I sat down and sighed, I sit next to Connor...

Kayla's POV

My English lesson unexpectedly  enjoyable, we were allowed to work in any three we wanted to so I went with my friend Jade and Maya. Usually English is an hour of being uncomfortably quiet and sitting in a position trying to make myself as small as possible. This lesson I relaxed and joked around a bit.  When stuff likes this happens it shows me how you feel is so often about the people not the place. But it's just strange how much your confidence levels change when your comfortable with who your talking to. I wish I could always enjoy English like that but after next lesson we'll be back to normal, we never think about something started so small could affect us so much, like a seating plan, one argument or one wrong turn of your steering wheel. I was glad I enjoyed the lesson, at least until I walked out the door.

Calum was on the floor and Connor being held back by a teacher. "CAL!" I shouted, he just looked at me desperately. I tried to run over to him but Jade and Maya grabbed me, "Kay, shut-up. You'll make it worse. The teachers are stopping him" Maya whispered to me. "Yeah, come on" said Jade pulling me away down the English stairs, "No, I need to help guys, i need to find out whats happened" I cried, "That can wait, he'll tell you later," jade told me.

 Once we were down them they both looked at me questioningly. "What? I don't know what happened. Oh god, do you think he's okay?" I said in a panicked tone. "Yeah, yeah. Of course he'll be fine." Maya reassured. "Exactly, it's not as if he would of started the fight anyway is it." Jade said. "Wait but why did Connor try and hurt Cal anyway. Wh, what if its my fault because of the Claudia/Eve thing?"I whispered panicking.  Leah walked over, "Whats your fault?" 

"Everything..." I whimpered. Dissolving into tears I slowly slid down the wall with my head in my hands whispering no over and over to myself. This could't be happening, Cal couldn't be hurt because of me. Why was everything in my life suddenly spiraling out of control, it was like i had no grip on anything...

A/N: Cliffhangerrrr (kind of haha). Sorry its taken me so long to update a little while ago i wrote about half of this and then accidentally because I'm and idiot and because I'm a lazy bitch i couldn't be asked to rewrite it so yeah that's why it took so long. Unlike kayla i actually quite like English, apart from speaking and listening assessments (xxxJABstarwriterxxx , KeepingYouOut) Also whilst writing this i was listening kinda jaming out 5sos and Shawn Mendes (digging the motivational speech during Understnad ngl lol) Anywayyy hope ur liking the story so far byeee xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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