Chapter 1

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  • Dédié à Nikki

Hey guys! If you find something that's misspelled, please don't hesitate to tell me.

This book is dedicated to my friend Nikki and her obsession on Siva Kaneswaran from The Wanted. It's "about them". Enjoy!

*Please don't hesitate to comment. I would love to hear some feedback from my readers!


Chapter 1

"Get your butt over here! Simon!" I ran to catch up to my crazy nephew who apparently decided to scare his aunt by walking into a busy street. I didn't want him to become a flat pancake by the dangerous drivers.

The crazy little two-year old laughed and ran onto the street.

"No!" I shrieked. My heart was in my throat. My nephew was about to get hit and he was laughing!

A car edged toward Simon and I yelled out for the car to stop, but the windows were pulled up, the music was on blast. The driver didn't hear and...


I awoke with a start, sweating bullets. (Half literally, half figure of speech.) The music that was playing in my dream was none other than my ringtone, indicating that someone was calling me. I reached out and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I groaned when my sister's name lit up the screen. 

"Hey," my older sister, Margaret chirped. Margi was always bright and excited and enthusiastic about everything and every time she called me or spoke to me, she brightened my mood. Except for now. Cause before she even says anything else, I already have a bad feeling.

"Hey, Marge," I answer back, not even with half the attitude she's feeling. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to tell you to expect another date soon."

I groaned. This was insane! Margie has been setting me up on blind dates ever since she figured out that I didn't plan on marrying. She, of course, would not even hear of the thought. "Nikki," she'd always say. "You are a young, gorgeous lady. What is up with you? If I were a guy, I'd totally want to date you!" And of course, there is no arguing with Margie once she has her mind set up on something.

"Marge, I don't want to date any of the men that you pick anymore," I said, finally releasing the breath I've been holding. There. I finally got it out. I let her know how I really feel.

Margie sounded offended. "Do you not like my choices in men?"

I quickly scrambled to make my declaration less offending. "No, no. That's not it. It's just that I'm not getting married. Ever. Get it? I'm never going to get married. To any guy. Whether or not you choose him. I made up my mind and that's final. No one is going to change my mind."

This was me, Nicole Kennedy we were talking about here. Twenty-six, brunette, light, fair skin, single, a waitress at the Bean Café. I'm not saying I'm ugly and I'm not saying I'm gorgeous. I'm just average. My figure wasn't even that great. But Margie was just set on me marrying.

I heard her pouty voice. "Fine... But one last guy. If you don't like him, I won't ever bother you again. But I'm warning you: this guy is irresistible. Once he lures you in, you have to brace yourself for the ride. He's great. You're gonna love him, even if it's only for one night."

I rolled my eyes in frustration. Margie knew I didn't do one night stands and here she was, waving a guy in front of my face. "Okay, fine. but last guy. What's his name?"

"Siva. Siva Kaneswaran."

"What?" I shrieked. "No way in hell am I ever going to date someone with that name. Did you seriously forget me? Or are you just bluffing?"

But Margie was totally serious. "I'm being serious," she said. "That's his name. A little weird, but this guy is HOT!!!" She sang the last part and I did another mental eye roll. My sister was insane. Really. But I promised her one last matchmaking session and then she'd leave me alone.

"Marge, just letting you know, you're really crazy. Loco. You need to have your brain checked out by a professional psychologist."

"Will do but first you have to listen to me and I say you have to go out with Siva."

I huffed. "Okay but I really hate that name."

"Great!" She can barely contain her excitement. "Go to The Silver Dragon tomorrow night at seven pm," she said, talking about the diner that we both love to eat at. "He'll be there."

My jaw dropped. And hey! Margie hung up.


Hey, everybody. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please drop a comment or vote.

Also, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm writing new stories all the time on Wattpad so be sure to check them out!

;) dimples_ qt;)

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