Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

About a half a month later, Siva kind of made me forget about Sierra's threatening letters. He visited me every day at The Bean, to make sure that I was alive and well. I only stayed over his house over the weekends since Sierra seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth, which I was definitely not complaining about.

One Sunday afternoon, after one pm, Margie unexpectedly showed up at my house with her husband, Jeff. I opened the door for her and gave her a quick hug and gave Jeff a hug as well. Siva was in the kitchen himself, so I closed the front door and began to walk away. Three seconds later, the doorbell rang again. Who could that be? Margie already came in with Jeff so unless it was Caleb, Aisha, Natalia or Denise, I wasn't expecting anyone else.

I went to open the door and froze when I saw my brother Haden and his wife, Aliza and my little nephew, Simon, standing by the door. My brother and his family lived in Tennessee and they tried to visit at least once a year. I haven't seen them in several months.

With the loudest squeal ever, I jumped on my brother, wrapping him in a huge hug. Margie and Haden always used to joke that I would still be giving him this hug when we were ninety-nine years old, after seeing him every day. "Haden!! Oh my g-d you're here!" I pulled back. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, moving on to hug Aliza and then Simon.

When we pulled away, he grinned wryly at me. "Thanks for closing the door in my face," he teased.

I hugged him again. "Sorry, Haden."

He grinned. "You know I like to be called Aden."

"That's okay. I want to be the only one that calls you Haden. For uniqueness."

He laughed. "Aliza said the same thing."

I looked behind my brother and hugged Aliza again. "Hey! How are you?" I said to my sister-in-law. I kissed both her cheeks. "How're you doing?"

She smiled at me and rubbed her swollen belly. "Amazing! I'm so glad to see you! You never come over so we had to give you a little visit!"

"Sorry, guys. I got work..."

Haden mock glared at me. "That's always your excuse." He patted my shoulder and then walked around me to go say hello to Margie and Jeff. Loud and excited voices rose in the living room and I smiled.

I quickly turned to Aliza. "Congrats on the new baby," I said excitedly. "You didn't even tell me over the phone!"

"That's no message to say over the phone!" she insisted. "I wanted to tell you in person. G-d willing, I'm due in October."

I gave my congratulations to her again and then switched my attention to my little nephew Simon. "Simon!" I exclaimed. "What's up? How're you doing?" I held out a hand for a high five.

Simon looked up at me, high fived my waiting hand and smiled. "Good."

I nodded and grinned. "You got so big! How old are you?"

He held out his little fingers in the sign of three. "Thwee."

"What a big boy! You're adorable." I stood up and faced my brother and sister in law. "Sorry, guys. I know you guys must be tired. Come in, take a seat."

Once they were seated, I went into the kitchen to grab some drinks and refreshments. And I made sure not to forget some candy for little Simon. 

Siva smiled at me. "Am I going to hide out here the entire time?"

I groaned. "I forgot that they don't really know about you. I guess it's up to you if you're okay with meeting them. I'm sure they heard all about our drama anyway from Margie. She loves talking."

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