Chapter 4

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I came home at seven o' clock, as usual, feeling foreign in my own body. I couldn't believe my body betrayed me like that. By letting Siva get to me? What was I thinking? Siva would only hurt me. He'd showed me how much of an ass he could be.

I let myself be carried away in writing my book- yes, this was the first one I've ever written and it was awesome if I did say so myself. I plugged my earplugs into my ears and let myself forget everything else that bothered me while I listened to my music and wrote a few additional pages to my book.

I wasn't expecting to become rich with my books; I was only writing this for fun. If someone liked it, okay. I wasn't planning on even publishing it. Whatever. Margie thought it was ridiculous that I was willing to spend so much time writing "a stupid, useless book that's only going to waste your time and give you pennies," that's what Margie told me.

It upset me that my sister had close to no faith in me. It's not like she had a problem with being social and making enough money. I mean, sure, my sister helped me financially but not that much. My sister didn't exactly make millions; she lived in a small apartment, a bit bigger than mine, but hey, she had a husband.

The sofa buzzed and I shifted in my seat. The vibrating resumed and I realized it was my phone. I unplugged my earplugs and answered the phone. "Hello?"

Margie sounded more excited than usual. "So? I heard you bumped into Siva at work today."

I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated breath, letting her know that I really didn't want to talk about it. How did she even find out about that in the first place? "Yes, Margie. I ran into him at The Bean." I play around with a piece of lint on my sweatpants. I work at The Bean with my friends and while The Silver Dragon was me and my sister's favorite place to eat, The Bean was the second best.

"I heard he touched you," she continues, ignoring my annoyed voice. "Was it nice? Did you like it?"

I groaned. "Honestly, Margaret. Do you have me followed? 'Cause, I swear, you have to be able to find out about these petty, little stupid things that mean absolutely nothing." I know my voice sounded sharper than usual but I wasn't going to let my sister run my life. "Listen, Marge. You did your job. You found me a guy and I said thank you. Now it's my job to either make this relationship work or wither and die. And I'm going to let this one die, okay? Siva is not a nice guy and I'm not going out with him again. This has nothing to do with you anymore, Marge. I know you want to help but you've done all you can. I caved in once but it won't work the second time around. Leave me alone, Margie. Please."

Silence filled the other end and I knew I'd really hurt her feelings. Badly. I heard distant sniffling and I felt awful. I hurried to apologize, a horrible feeling taking residence in my chest. "Margie, I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know why I said that and I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."

"Well, you really hurt me," my sister sniffed. "I don't know why but lately you started acting like a real bitch to me and I don't like it. I don't even recognize you anymore. Unless you have a better and more grateful thing to tell me, don't bother calling me." I heard her muttering something and it sounded like, "I went through so much hell, trying to find you a suitable boyfriend and this is all I get in return?"

It was mere seconds before my sister, the most polite and delicate person, hung up the phone on me, refusing to listen to any more of my protesting apologies.

Things pretty much fall into a routine after that. I don't see Siva, thank g-d but Margie is still upset at me. She won't call me and she won't answer my calls either. I'm a little desperate at this point because I feel really bad that I was such a b*tch to her when she genuinely tried to help me.

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